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Hopping Out After a Jab
The Worst Amateur Habit of Jab Specialists with a Discussion of the Body Jab
© 2016 James LaFond
If you are just trying to out-point some dude that hits harder then you and you got your jab in, and your chin sucks, by all means, hop the hell out of there.
If you are spearing some tired, worn out trial horse on the ropes with vicious lunge jabs to the body and he seems ready to go, sure, hop back out and harpoon his old ass again.
Other than the above, please don’t hop out after you jab. It takes you out of your range of opportunity, lets him off the hook and invites a plodding counter attack that might just work.
There are numerous methods for retreating behind the jab, and this just isn’t one of them. If you hop back you are doing it while retracting the jab to guard, and then hopefully launching another jab before you eat something.
The Body Spear
This is the place to discuss the lunging jab, which is a fencing thrust, best launched to the body, with the chin tucked behind your shoulder as you drive your fist into his gas tank with your legs. The bending of your lead leg is as important as the push-off with your rear leg as it drives your weight through him. Do not go here often and when you do, head right upstairs as you step or weave to one side or another.
Try a high blind jab, then a lunging body jab and come back up with a right step and a sneaky jab to the nose or weave left and pop up and off line with an up-jab to the chin or eye.
Cave Man Shift
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Drag Jab
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