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Old Hickory Gets Cut Down
The Most Masculine American President Goes into the Dustbin of Hated Ancestors
© 2016 James LaFond
“O' Shaman of Brutality, your words are both prophetic and dire indeed.
Hope all is well,”
Thanks for the link, Adam. They took a long time getting to this. It was decided years ago, but is being slated to coincide with the reign of our first female president. Oh, it is my inconsiderate opinion that America always gets the president it deserves and I remain confident that Americans shall continue to elect the ruler that most fits their current morality.
The New York Times Opines:
“WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department will announce on Wednesday afternoon that Harriet Tubman, an African-American who ferried hundreds of slaves to freedom, will replace the slaveholding Andrew Jackson on the center of a new $20 note, according to a Treasury official, while newly popular Alexander Hamilton will remain on the face of the $10 bill.”
You may read the rest at the link at the bottom of the page.
And so it goes, as I predicted a couple years ago.
Andrew Jackson is now the only slaveholding president?
George Washington was the Cruelest of slave holding presidents but he did not commit the sin of standing against the bankers as Jackson did. He also did not have the audacity to win battle after battle, either, but left that to his subordinates who could then wear the guilt of victorious infamy.
Thomas Jefferson molested his favorite slave extensively.
Abraham Lincoln thought blacks were inferior and wanted them shipped back to Africa, and also worked as a lawyer to return escaped slaves to their owners.
So what were Jackson’s real sins—why is he on the chopping block?
-As a boy Jackson ran messages to aid the revolutionary cause and was beaten by a British officer.
-He hated the rich and identified with the poor. A nation in which 90% of the money is held by less than 1% of the people cannot abide that!
-He was the most masculine president, defending his wife’s honor in a lethal duel. Feminists will not stand for the honoring of men who defend women.
-He defeated multiple nations of slaveholding American Indians. The Red Sticks, Seminole and Cherokee were all notorious owners of blacks, with a reputation for cruel treatment of escaped slaves. Billy Bow Legs—the Geronimo of the Seminoles—had to be bought off with 50 slaves to get him to move to Indian Territory.
-Jackson oversaw the slaughter of a top rate British Army in New Orleans. The British are our friends. We cannot glorify their killer!
-Jackson built the Democratic Party from scratch.
-Jackson preserved the Union without firing a shot when South Carolina tried to secede. They knew Old Hickory wasn’t fucking around!
-Jackson opened the White House to the public and heard complaints from common people.
-Last, and most damning, Andrew Jackson hated central banking and bankers, warned against such criminal enterprises as the Federal Reserve and the 2008 rape of America by Manhattan Bankers, and eliminated central banking in his time.
No, The Uterine States of America cannot conduct cash business in honor of a real man. George Washington, who handed over a French officer to be butchered by an Indian, hanged escaped white slaves and wore the extracted teeth of black slaves in his dentures, stays, but a man of honor must go.
That is the America I live in.
I will not spend my last 20-dollar bill.
the man cave
The Genghis Khan Strip Mall
by the wine dark sea
songs of aryаs
orphan nation
the fighting edge
solo boxing
logic of steel
thriving in bad places
dark, distant futures
John the Blind     Apr 27, 2016

The story, possibly apocryphal, is that 12 year-old Jackson, who had lost his brothers and mother in the Revolutionary War, refused to polish the boots of British officer, and the officer slashed his face open with a bayonet, scalp to chin.

Give me a dozen men like him...
Nero the Pict     Apr 28, 2016


I for one welcome Jackson's removal from the twenty dollar bill. Not for the same reason all of the SJW bitches and PC police want him off.

Jackson is probably spinning in his grave over the fact that his image ever graced a Federal Reserve Note. As you have mentioned he fought relentlessly against the central banking cartels. I have thought that the placement of Jackson was a subtle yet not so subtle "Fuck You" by the Federal Reserve.

The placement of Harriet Tubman upon the greenback would bring the FRN more in line with Confederate Bank notes which featured depictions of slaves toiling in fields. For all of the Confederacy's least they were somewhat honest (I doubt people picking cotton in the noon day heat would be smiling) in regards to the imagery displayed on the currency.

An example:

So maybe they can start with Tubman....Then graduate to pictures of white indentureds, mangled doughboys, Tuskegee experiment victims, and portraits of all of the guys that got Agent Orange poisoning, maybe a limited run on crushing the Filipino rebels. You know the bedrock of American society; slavery (in all of its guise's and racial permutations), slaughter, and financial chicanery.

America!!! Fuck Yeah!!!
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