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‘I Met My Father in Prison’
"Down in the Hole" - The Streets of Baltimore
© 2016 James LaFond
The beginning of this video will really turn off a lot of viewers. But stick to it and see these doomed, self-destructive and clueless people the way they see themselves. Baltimore folks do not even know that they are doing the government’s bidding and are utterly dependent upon law enforcement, in the form of the drug war, for their black market money, just as they are dependent on the welfare system for their plastic money.
This is one of the most accurate films on Baltimore I have seen. The side of the story you see is stilted for the most part. But that is important to see. The one thing that comes through clear here is how utterly enslaved the black community in Baltimore is to the ideology of materialism.
Keep in mind that every person in this video gets more in government cash and benefits then I make for working in a supermarket and writing combined. However, their grossly materialistic lifestyle demands a cash outlay per individual similar to what I raised a suburban family on when I managed a supermarket.
When you look at the crumbling buildings you might not appreciate the smell at the alley corners. That is from the urine. Today I watched a 13-year-old yo pissing at the corner of an alley here in Hamilton next to an upscale eatery. Once 90% of the males are pissing on alley corners the ambiance gets kind of sour.
‘Look At Shorty, Yo’
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