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'Make Room, Make Room!'
U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High
© 2016 James LaFond
A friend’s next door neighbor killed himself a few months ago.
I know three people whose parents killed themselves.
My favorite author killed himself.
And apparently it is getting worse.
Some interesting aspects here will let us track social change.
White women, the very people that have done the most to dismantle Western Civilization over the past century, are finally beginning to increase the rate at which they off themselves similar to the tormented men they have been driving to suicide since World War I. They do have some ground to make up, though. So it will be a while before we see parity in actual numbers.
The only group of people who are killing themselves less frequently is black men. But that is more than made up for by the fact that black men are so selflessly willing to relive their fellows of the horrors of human suffering that suicide has become obsolete!
Overall, however, despite the fact that the black dudes are slacking off, the overall U.S. suicide rate is surging ahead.
How do you say, “Make room, make room!” in Spanish?
Joy, joy, joy!
About the Title
The Harry Harrison novel, Make room, Make room! was made into the movie Soyient Green starring Charlton Heston.
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Sam J.     May 1, 2016

I watched Soyient Green a while ago and downloaded it recently but haven't watched it yet. Maybe Women want to destroy the country to the level that they become furniture for a rented house like the movie.
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