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Cosmos and Consciousness
The Marcus Aurelius of American Outliers Sends a Gift to the Harm City Crackpot
© 2016 James LaFond
Ishmael has recently sent me the book Penucquem Speaks by fugitive writer and escaped Uncle Samian Ronald Thomas West. The other night, while suffering from the after effects of a concussion, as my slavegirl argued with some dude named Armon from her bank’s help desk in Uruguay, I was reading Ronald’s book about his rejection of materialism. The next day I gave a heads up about his site. This morning, to my primal chill of fear, I saw that he had e-mailed me. I immediately wondered if the federal goon squad was already rumbling into my posh ghetto from the District of Cutthroatia or if the BPD chopper that usually circles my place would be replaced by a model airplane…
Getting over my adult fears, I let the wisdom of childhood overtake me and read his e-mail, in which he makes an offer to our readership, of a pdf he gifted me on Native American philosophy, which I intend to use in the Dread Grace project. In the meantime, as I drown in my own outlines, I promise to e-mail a copy of Ronald’s book Cosmos and Consciousness to any who contact me at jameslafond dot com at gmail dot com and request it.
In the e-mail copied and pasted below Ronald somehow fails to come off as a threat to the greatest nation to rise above men:
Hello James
Thank you for directing readers to my site. One time I asked the Brave Dogs (Blackfoot warrior society) chief "Tell me about the Liver Eater." His reply was "We don't talk about him." There could not be a more convincing answer attesting to the veracity of the Liver Eater's story. What is clear to me is, Johnson is one of those very rare whites who had mastered the Native American man-hunting technique.
What might seem counter intuitive to a European descendant is the fact of matriarchal philosophy underlies the past brilliant warrior skills of not only the Blackfeet Indians but all plains tribesmen of former times. I'm attaching that philosophy for your perusal in pdf file format. You are welcome to share the information with anyone or even give it away for free at your site, if you like.
I hope you've given up fighting; in our warrior tradition it is time you moved on to the role of wise counselor :)
My kindest greetings
Ronald Thomas West
Addendum E-mail
Thank you for writing. I've gone (mostly) off the grid. If you are requesting free pdf copies of my books, please state which ones and be patient, when I check this account I'll get them out to you.
You may read my history of ‘alpha’ HERE.
My sincere thanks are extended to those low and mid level police of Germany and Spain who have been most helpful over these several years, with informal cooperation developing information on organized crime in NATO and other institutions (and special thanks to the brave woman agents in Spain who saved my life on two occasions.)
Thank you, Ronald.
PS: To the fine young fellow piloting the plastic plane that might soon be my constant companion. The many jokes about nerds and geeks found in my writing are merely my expressions of self-loathing. Also, permitting me to live long enough to finish my writing projects will reward you with the feeling of godlike omnipotence as you follow me about my days of drudgery—eventually culminating in my denim defensive perimeter being overrun by a mob of your hoodrat thugs. So don’t kill me now, let me suffer—I deserve it!
‘What is Your Process?’
book reviews
‘A Journey of the Heart’
song of the secret gardener
taboo you
son of a lesser god
plantation america
beasts of aryаs
uncle satan
solo boxing
let the world fend for itself
bernie Hackett     May 3, 2016

Model airplane?

I'm reminded of the comment I heard when the idiots were babbling on about drones delivering stuff to the technology imbeciles. "Skeet shooting with prizes!"

I can just see some techie trying to shadow you with a model airplane. Not a place to be distracted, huh?

My surveillance friends used to tell me their stories about being "burned" whilst stalking "injured" claimants. That van with the funny windows sure sticks out in de ghetto, not to mention the various suburbs of our fair city.

"I likes dat ai'plane, an' I thinks it be mine." SMACK!Oh, yeah!
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