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‘Just One Man’
Just a Few Men Controlled Reproduction in Prehistory and Dominate World Genetics Today by Mark Miller
© 2016 James LaFond
“James, this fits perfect with your Genghis Khan breeding scheme.”
Women, sissies and civilized nabobs in general will scoff at the Epic of Gilgamesh, the story of Samson the Conan tales of Robert E. Howard, as will gay men who offer themselves as proof of this very point, and, most vociferously, deny that slave masters fathered the populations of Brazil and Mexico and much of the America South. But it is true. Anyone who has spent time in a workplace evenly split between male and female will note that most female attention gravities toward a few men, and that further, most of the men will accept this, content to be slaves, just as the women are all content to be slaves. Likewise, fighting men are sought be women at greater rates. Any objective observer would have to conclude that under more primitive conditions that a few men would dominate reproduction as their dominant behavior and the subservient behavior of women and beta males all dovetail toward this goal.
Although I honestly prefer the idea of having a strong partnership with a single woman, with one younger slave girl to keep up the breeding program, as apposed to the early American Christian method, where you wore out one wife and then replaced her, it seems that most societies, particularly in times of expansion, upheaval and war, have gravitated toward alpha males dominating breeding.
It may very well be that the reason why prostitution was originally sanctified as the duty of temple priestesses was a social control method, whereby most men were serviced by a few women and most women were inseminated by a few men. In World War II, even the vaunted Puritan States of America used a small corp of prostitutes in Hawaii to service entire divisions and ships crews of servicemen who were being sent off to their death, while less able men stayed home and enjoyed the excess women. This also, was a social control mechanism.
The following article is primarily of interest concerning the 190,000 year ago Adam, and for the three other articles it links to, most notably the one about the few Bronze Age warlords who managed to corral most of Europe’s pussy.
These practices would come to bear on martial traditions and on the relationship of female social roles to superior warrior motivation, which is the focus of A Dread Grace.
The Combat Space
the man cave
‘Matriarchal Warrior People?’
on the overton railroad
songs of aryаs
let the world fend for itself
the sunset saga complete
advent america
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