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‘Matriarchal Warrior People?’
A Man Question from Brad
© 2016 James LaFond
"Hey, James. Came to the site looking for the hyper-masculine Taboo Man and I see a free pdf about matriarchal Indian warriors. Is this the right site?”
Nice to have you on the site, Brad. Look, the project is titled A Dread Grace and can be accessed by clicking on that tab at the top of this page. Track all the way back to the first entry and things should be made clear.
To clarify, we are not talking about the false African American matriarchy, which is in essence a culture based on marriage to the White Daddy State and the tragic exclusion of the human man of that race.
We are also not talking about When God was Woman [Joshua took care of those pussies], feminism or women in combat, but the feminine voice—personified in many an ancient goddess [Hera, Ishtar, Athena, Nike, Palaestra, and the Virgin Mary who inspired Spanish psychopaths for a hundred years as they depopulated a continent], but of the primal way of pre-civilized Man, in which women managed the camp and men ventured outward. We now live in a world that is all of it a camp and both genders are denatured by this.
It is a commonly known fact that fulltime warriors kick the shit out of parttime warriors [look at how boxing records are built, with the first 20 fights of a champion being against sacrificial, parttime fighters], and in pre-modern economies, fulltime warriors were only possible at the apex of a massive slave society, or in a society where the woman had the independence of action and authority to manage the domestic sphere. As tribes were conquered by nations the defeated men who were permitted to live were essentially pushed down into the female sphere, with the conquerors holding exclusive rights to the hunt and warfare.
The basic custom was to have women own all of the property other than weapons and mounts, freeing men to hunt, raid and scout fulltime. The advanced version is to have matrilineal family structures in which the man goes to live with the woman’s people upon marriage, which would force him to excel in deeds in order to again acceptance among the male in-laws, as opposed to the typical old World practice of a son hording his father’s possessions and becoming a shadow of his father, and then passing on this weakening agent to the grandson, who then degenerates further.
The famously ferocious Spartans had a bizarre tribal society in which a mere three regiments of full time warriors terrorized perhaps a hundred thousand rural slaves, who worked estates managed by the domineering Spartan wives while they were out killing. The Spartan women had more economic, political and sexual freedom than the women of any of the Greek communities they terrorized. Granted this is a matriarchal substructure, a household structured around the mother in a society in which men utterly dominated interaction with the outer world. It could not last, but was a telling experiment.
The basic military point is made in the second minute of the film clip below:
‘Just One Man’
the man cave
'In Gloomy Majesty'
night city
advent america
book of nightmares
into leviathan’s maw
honor among men
shrouds of aryаs
masculine axis
Sam J.     May 6, 2016

You're comment,"...It is a commonly known fact that fulltime warriors kick the shit out of parttime warriors...". Immediately reminded me of a good story about how China's Song Dynasty got the shit kicked out of them by a handful of savages. Handful relative to China's population. From a "reactionary" blog you could appreciate named,

Bloody shovel. We shall drown, and nobody will save us.

I linked to the first Song Dynasty decline article, I think. There's a lot of good reading there but the Chinese stories are very good and exactly correspond to the world we live in today. Refined Whites ,(Chinese), living next to savages. They even paid off the savages most of the time to keep the peace. It's said that all history has happened in China. Everything that could happen has happened there at least once.
James     May 6, 2016

That is an excellent analogy, Sam J.

Paying off the Steppes warriors was a log Chinese tradition.

Similarly, the Navaho [Dine], paid off the Apache with maize, rather than fight them.
Fatmanjudo     May 6, 2016

Tell it to the English
PRCD     May 7, 2016

The idea of paying off enemies is sickening. A Kipling poem explains:

"It is always a temptation to an armed and agile nation

To call upon a neighbour and to say:—

"We invaded you last night—we are quite prepared to fight,

Unless you pay us cash to go away."

And that is called asking for Dane-geld,

And the people who ask it explain

That you've only to pay 'em the Dane-geld

And then you'll get rid of the Dane!

It is always a temptation for a rich and lazy nation,

To puff and look important and to say:—

"Though we know we should defeat you, we have not the time to meet you.

We will therefore pay you cash to go away."

And that is called paying the Dane-geld;

But we've proved it again and again,

That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld

You never get rid of the Dane.

It is wrong to put temptation in the path of any nation,

For fear they should succumb and go astray;

So when you are requested to pay up or be molested,

You will find it better policy to say:—

"We never pay any-one Dane-geld,

No matter how trifling the cost;

For the end of that game is oppression and shame,

And the nation that pays it is lost!"
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