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‘Twerking on Judgment Day’
Tommy Sotomayor rips and rhymes at the expense of our current cultural icons
© 2016 James LaFond
As I completed formatting America in Chains last night and cracked open a beer I clicked on Tommy Sotomayor’s YouTube channel to see what he was up to.
What are Coons?
How stupid are Dumb Black Bitches?
Why do modern African Americans imitate the wig fetish of chattel slavery era English Aristocrats?
Why are the most common calls of racism in fact indictments of working class whites by elite whites and criminal blacks?
Despite this, how come blacks show no racial solidarity unless attacking middle class and working whites?
Why is slavery seen exclusively as a white on black crime when it was manifestly not?
If you believe in matriarchy, this is what it looks like taken to its logical conclusion in a materialistic society where women place their womb at the service of the highest bidder and masculine action is the most taboo act. Now, Tommy claims all of this seemingly insane African American behavior is stupidity. But might it be otherwise? Might these behaviors, counter to civility and notions of the value of hard work—which is the main value Tommy promotes—be calculated, inculcated blue prints for imposing one’s paltry will on the social environment?
Recently someone asked me why young black girls slow down while crossing the street in traffic and give an insolent look, daring the motorist to hit them. The answer is that they are trained to do this by a mother who is hoping they get hit so that she hits the law suit sweepstakes. This may seem overblown. But I have had two different black men, one a coworker, the other a fellow bus patron, describe to me how their mothers coached them as little boys to make certain they were struck by a car in the crosswalk and to remember to “roll on the hood.”
In my opinion this stems from our slave-based society, in which whites have traditionally sought the formula for success that would gain them access to the wealth of a slave master as well as the moral freedom denied the slave master, while blacks have tended to imitate the haughty, entitled manner of the slave-master and make the same type of interpersonal calculations made by the moral tyrants of a grotesquely materialistic world.
Many people may assume that gaining the power and wealth of the slave master is preferable to simply acting like an ancient potentate. However, the haughtily applied belief in entitlement, while generally failing to generate the desired material gain, does arm the slave-master imitator with a proper understanding of interpersonal power, and in the long view, has evolved into an alliance between the black criminal class and the white and mixed-race elite at the expense of working whites, who insanely tend to continue believing in the Fantasy of Rights. Some palefaces even believe in racial solidarity, that somehow a powerful white person would side with a poor white person against a black aggressor when the sensible thing for the powerful white at the top of the social pyramid to do is to play the bottom off against the middle, for those at the bottom are his natural allies and those in the middle the threat to his hegemony, the potential usurpers of his apex position, from which any fall would be ruinous.
Andrew Johnson and other escaped white slaves of the early 1800s saw their enemy as being the elite white plantation owners working in accord with their slaves to dispossess the working white man. This is the dynamic that fed the westward expansion of the United States as the descendents of Caucasian slaves moved outward and away from the slave system.
Now, 200 years later, with a wage slavery system in effect and nowhere else left to settle away from it, the working paleface finds himself smashed between numerous forces, a situation which was once described by surviving Native Americans as being “caught between two fires.” The postmodern paleface is caught:
-between corrupt law enforcement and black criminals
-between the white-hating media and the Black Lives Matter activists
-between a white elite that can buy all of the medical treatment they need and the unemployed criminal classes whose health care is paid, not at the expense of the white elite, but of the working class
-between the multinational corporations, who own 90 of every 100 dollars and the multinational drug cartels that own every street corner in mid-sized U.S. cities…
The sons and daughters of the last generation of Caucasian chattel slaves feared more than anything that their small homestead would be sandwiched between a plantation house and the slave-shacks that served the will of the slave-master.
What does the post-modern paleface see as he stands before the house of his that is losing value as the white elite in their glittering towers and old style plantation-era government buildings decree that unemployed criminals will be his new neighbors?
Is not the poorer-by-the year postmodern paleface living the nightmare of his forefathers, caught between the twin fires of the rich white elite and their human tools—their moral slaves?
This paleface lives in a city across which poor whites have been hunted relentlessly ever since the authorities decided to let angry blacks pillage without interference just over a year ago. On the two mile stretch of road where I walk to work after exiting the bus, where I once regularly saw police patrolling at night, there has not been a cop sighting in exactly a year and two weeks, and over the past two weeks there have been six attacks by groups of black thugs against working whites—and one working [“traitor-snitch”] black man—and the police still decline to patrol. The extinction hunt is on, directed by the white liberal elite, ignored by the white conservative elite and prosecuted by the race-hounds of The New Slave-Master America and working whites are its prey.
That is how this crackpot sees the American Dream from Ground Zero of the Fall of Western Civilization.
If you would like to see how a dissident African American commentator sees the same sorry scene, click on the link below.
‘The American Public Myth’
video reviews
‘Within the Black and Gray Latitudes’
america the brutal
blue eyed daughter of zeus
the fighting edge
logic of force
honor among men
let the world fend for itself
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