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‘I Want My Money Back’
America Goes Away by Fred Reed
© 2016 James LaFond
It has been a while since I have checked in on my favorite curmudgeon, Fred Reed and it seems he is still getting flak for being a race traitor and moving beyond the sacred feminist hive of global America. However, although Fred plays hurt, I think he is just hurting. Alienation is important to a writer and I am certain that failing to piss off his fellow American spawn would lop one of the mouthy heads from his Muse kelpi.
If you don’t have time, or have not read Fred and need a nudge, here is a quote from this recent rant:
"In the country where I grew up, if you woke up and found a naked intruder headed for daughter’s bedroom with a Bowie knife and a hard-on, you shot him and arranged to have the rugs cleaned. The sheriff wasn’t greatly interested and the county prosecutor didn’t see anything to prosecute. The scum floating on the gene pool wasn’t a protected species. It wasn’t the driving engine of the culture. It was just scum.”
Now, there is a good reason for Fred to live outside the U.S. and that is that he, and the rest of us bloggers scan expect no protection as members of the press because we do not qualify as we do not have press credentials issued by certified ass-kissing entities approved by the giant ass of State.
Check out Fred’s work. The way he ruffles the written word is a pleasure.
Ishmael, thanks for this link.
‘The Perfect Masculine Fights’
site reviews
‘The Mulattress is a Queenmaker’
the lesser angels of our nature
winter of a fighting life
menthol rampage
search for an american spartacus
blue eyed daughter of zeus
'in these goings down'
solo boxing
guest     May 14, 2016

Fred's archived police columns for the Washington Times,

he was like a ride along reporter, and this are the stories:
marko     May 14, 2016

here is his site
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