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‘The Mulattress is a Queenmaker’
The Mayor that Roasted Marshmallow Cops as Her City Burned is Backing the Wicked Witch of the Left in Her Bid for Autarch
© 2016 James LaFond
Thank you, my secret agent in the U.K., for the link and that snappy quote.
I find it fascinating that we are no living subject to a plot that could have formed the basis of a Conan story. On a personal level, the fact that I put forward Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as the mayor I would most want to have sex with, in a heated discussion with my friend Quinn, who insisted that former Harm City executive Steala Dixon would make for a better tryst, I feel betrayed! After sitting there in front of white nationalist, Mescaline Franklin, defending this woman’s goddess precinct, even after Quinn described her eating an entire bucket of fried chicken during a City Council meeting he attended, only to have her turn around and put forth a candidate for Queen of the World that is not even fuckable by the most antiquitous Pictish standards simply puts me beyond words!
However, I now better understand how the Mulattress mayor shall be rewarded for her cupidity masquerading as stupidity. It’s not going to be Gloriana, but then again, I don’t think you could pay Michael Moorcock enough to write this script.
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