Thanks to my anonymous sleuth for uncovering these crumbling bricks beneath the Dyke of Ages.
First, as an honorary African American, I take umbrage at the suggestion that there is such a thing as “black crime.” Taxing privilege and recovering damages in the form of reparations should never be construed as crime. I am beings serious here. All of these sissy white people that believe the government should protect them from criminals should be heaped into the same mass grave as the left wingers who desperately want to be robbed and raped to assuage the terrible guilt they feel for being born without a purpose.
Check out the metro-sexual creature holding the “Disarm the Cops” sign and try and justify his existence. Any race that produces men like this and fails to castrate them and put them to work waxing my concubine’s stupendous buttocks should be crushed under Fate’s heavy tread.
That last paragraph is literary gold!