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The Man Who Put the Boots to Tito
The Notorious One by Oliver Hayes
© 2016 James LaFond
This full length article with imbedded video on Lee Murray, a psychotic Brit who is half Berber and all criminal, really pumped me up. This is what I miss about writing fiction, being able to get into the heads of ruthless people and colorful nuts. Some years ago I read an article in Esquire—I know, I almost dropped my man card in the shredder in shame, but emerged a better man from this close call with emasculation—about this flaming, violent asshole in Britain who survived being stabbed in the chest in a street fight, fought in the UFC, stomped out Tito Ortiz in a street brawl, robbed a bank and fled the UK.
This reminds me of a story my coach once told me about Rock Marciano coming to Baltimore and getting punked out by a local street fighter who was only a gym-fighter and had not even competed. One must understand that prize-fighting arts are specific arts and that taking care of business outside of the ring is less like any of them than boxing is like wrestling.
Checkout Oliver’s piece on Lee Murray via the link below:
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Mesc Franklin     May 16, 2016

As seen in Matt's anecdote, Liddell also seems to be the example of an in ring fighter whose style(and power) lays out suckers in an alley without too much modding. Notice him using the back against the wall concept to keep from getting hit from behind.
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