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‘The Ancient Poems of Our Forefathers’
Greg Johnson interviews the legendary hacker and internet troll Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer
© 2016 James LaFond
“Maybe you could move to this country."
-Mescaline Franklin
As a person who is not a ‘racialist’ I find racially aligned people to be refreshingly real and enjoy my contact with them, even when they are trying to kill me. As an alien to all races, who happens to look like one of you despicable white apes, it does sometimes vex me that it is expected of non-Caucasian people to be racialists but that you savage whites are not, obviously, to be trusted with racialist sentiments.
One thing I do disagree with white nationalists about is the idea that the plan of elite whites to kill and enslave and breed out poor whites is recent. A friend recently asked me why whites do not stick together.
First, none of the general racial groups stick together, at all: the Chinese are oppressing 11 Asian racial groups, blacks—who have more genetic diversity than the rest of humanity combined—do not seem to be able to kill each other fast enough, brown-on-brown killing is the most prolific form of human killing right now, Cappoid women are still beating their scrawny husbands as they teeter toward extinction and Australoid’s in New Guinea and Australia stab their women in the vagina with burning sticks…
As for whites, leaving the Berbers, Semites, Alpines and workhorse Slavs out of it and just looking at the Nords, why have American whites of the economically dominant English strain never stick together?
From 1066 to 1450 the ruling class in England [hold your breath big guy] spoke French and the servile classes spoke Old English. The only reason why the Norman lords began speaking English was because they finally lost their French lands and had to be able to speak to their second tier Anglo-Saxon servants as opposed to just beating and killing them. Even as the language took a unified form—almost immediately, in fact—poverty, homelessness and unemployment were outlawed to facilitate the rulers, gradually taking all of the rest of the land from the common people. The next step was to export these dispossessed lowlifes overseas, to plant them in plantations, and have them enrich the rich as they starved and died. Eventually, these poor English failed to survive in large enough numbers and were replaced with Scotts and Irish, who were such savages they could not be kept on the plantation and actually defeated the aboriginal security forces and broke out. From that moment blacks were shipped in to replace these nasty whites.
So, there was never a time when elite whites in America did not use other whites or other races to oppress their lesser countrymen.
Nothing has changed, and as complicit as certain Hebrews might be in the demise of Western Society, if you removed every one of them nothing would change. The machine is in motion. Changing out gears at this point is like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic.
The Man Who Put the Boots to Tito
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PRCD     May 18, 2016

sobering analysis. thanks.

Of course, prior to 1066 the Anglo-Saxons (or simply Saxons) were fighting the Danes, Norsemen, and Swedes who routinely invaded England for white slaves. This period lasted about 250 years, which is about the age of these "United" States.
Lynn     May 18, 2016

African genetic diversity is a red herring. It is true but not meaningful. Linked below is a recent article by Cochran explaining. James, DNA testing is powerful enough to place Europeans to towns and villages. You may not want to be a racialist but anyone who observes human behavior is observing human genetics and our continent level origins cannot be simply dismissed.
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