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‘Palpable Longing or Instinctive Rage’
Why Whitegenocide Doesn’t Work by Vox Day
© 2016 James LaFond
The emasculation of the political Left is a given. The most comic thing about the emasculation trend in the human species is the fact that the Right is also a whining coven of wenches. I forget the name of the teacher of rhetoric whose books I read at the Peabody Institute in 1999, but it began with a Q and he had already been dead for 1800 years and would have heartily approved of Vox Day’s advice on how to form opinion. It is really a reminder that most of humanity is merely emotive and if thinkers want to touch them they need to be able to speak that low IQ, high-estrogen language.
When I clicked on this link I expected to find a discussion that white genocide does not work, but instead found a discussion about propaganda methods to preserve Western Culture. So, since Vox did not go there, I will.
The lands that became The United States were first colonized for the purpose of white genocide, and it failed. In the early 1600s, as Turkish warships were permitted to cruise the Irish Sea and English Channel unmolested by the greatest navy of the age, equipped with ships far more suited for the body of water than the Turkish galleys, as they raided for slaves, as many poor whites as possible were dumped on the shores of a primal land and used as slave labor, with every intention of working them to death. Females were only imported as replacement wives for the masters, the slaves barred from breeding, meant to die on that cruel westerly vine.
In the end, Civilization is intended to enslave the mass of every race in its place. Importing minority groups to destabilize an indigenous majority is a strategy as old as Akkad, Egypt and Assyria and beloved of the Incas.
But here we are, still alive.
The only thing that is needed for our kind to survive is for our men to remember to be men.
A True Man wakes with the dawn and the moon, knowing and accepting that enemies want his people, their stories, their memories to become the dust of oblivion. This is what it is to be a man in the primal sense—to know this.
The children of this man have a hope, a hope that may be extinguished by a single generation of false men.
The False Man, the civilized fool, believes that a political abstraction will enforce his fantasy of rights. He is the walker in a false dream, which is merely a traitor’s suggested delusion that has but one deserved consequence, extinction.
The masters of this world weave a global web of lies meant to insure that the strong fall, the meek thrive and the weak spawn in a world become a hive.
The Goal of Civilization is the Death of Humanity and the Murder of God.
Thus far The Beast has done well.
Check out the cover for the Phillip K. Dick novel that was pulled.
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Sam J.     May 19, 2016

You've been talking a bit about Indians and I ran across this book. I haven't read it but it recommended by

Maybe it would interest you. The price is right.

"Our Wild Indians: Thirty-three Years Personal Experience Among the Red Men of the Great West"

While I'm at it I'm now reading "War Stories from the Future"

By Art of Future Warfare Project from the Atlantic Council. Free download. Good so far.

I've got way too many books to read.
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