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White Rabbit
Habitat Hoodrat Denizen #3
© 2016 James LaFond
Modality: Domesticated
Morality: complaisance, consumption
Loyalty: materialism
Mobility: automobile or ambulance
Physicality: sedentary
Bait: TV, video games, booze
Origin: The North American white rabbit was Alexander Hamilton's brainchild, but was not brought to maturity until Woodrow Wilson and FDR finally retooled the American psyche to function as the perfect amoral debt-generating machine. White rabbits live in perpetual fear of the various rodent species that comprise the balance of the American body ghettonomic. White rabbit farmers use labrats, hoodrats and roadrats to corral these quivering masses of fear in their utterly defenseless suburban warrens. The physiology of white rabbits is as delicate as their psyche and hence they are simultaneously afflicted with the great dread that their daughters will be impregnated by hoodrats, labrats and roadrats and are at the very same time afflicted with a great guilt for fearing the dissolution of their race.
Appearance: The soft hide of the white rabbit ranges from beige to pink, which makes them the perfect playthings of hoodrats, who delight in tormenting the shuddering couch manatees of The State at every opportunity.
‘Not As Mature as You Thought’
harm city
‘Sling Long the Bitch is Dead’
advent america
solo boxing
beasts of arуas
the lesser angels of our nature
the year the world took the z-pill
on the overton railroad
by the wine dark sea
crag mouth
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