I don’t know how many times I have pleaded with palefaces or do-good blacks to not admonish savage mamas for the brutalization of their broodspawn, which is a necessary nurturing component of the hoodrat lifecycle and should be respected. Do we give alligators a hard time for transporting their babies in their mouth, cats for hauling kittens by the scruff of the neck?
So please, show some courtesy for Big Mamma and do not disrespect her hard won parenting skills.
Check out the ancient hoodratress at 1:50 climbing for cover like a combat infantryman!
This crime was committed in 2011 and was finally decided in court five years later. In other news, Filthadephia is driving hard in a bid to unseat the Harm City Hoodrats in this year’s Urban League World Series. And with dedicated thugs like this they are certainly in the running.