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Holding Out
Against the Criminals: a Man Question from Mescaline Franklin
© 2016 James LaFond
"How could white guys hold out, fight back against the waves of criminals without getting plowed under by The State? I want to include women as a family residence effort—a real tribe."
-Mescaline Franklin
The answer is they cannot so long as the governing powers know that they exist. All of this tribalism and masculinity building, like The Wolves of Vinland, with membership based on criminal organizations, like biker clubs, is actually excellent for an insular fraternity developing quality men, but is total bullshit when it comes to effectively protecting loved ones, property, or even your own hairy hide, as the government will use the RICO statute to come after any fraternal organization that acts as a vigilante force.
It's just a fantasy—goddamned stupid.
As soon as you become, The Dogs or White Avenue, you are now the declared, surrounded, impeded, circumscribed, infinitely outnumbered enemy of the most powerful force that has trod the people of the Earth under foot.
I believe there is a way, a method that I had in mind for the story seed of Reverent Chandler, of how men of European descent, in this septic nation of sin, might someday reclaim their nature and fight back against the slathering beast that are the Dindu pet hordes of The State—a long shot, but a shot.
As for holding a neighborhood, unless you are all born there, how do you get there, unless you all go in and buy up an abandoned city block and gate it, which is an idea—except tat it is unsustainable, economically and legally. Attempts to build exclusive communities in rural areas draws the federal bloodhounds. Below are what I think must be The Principals of Conception for a community defense force.
1. Women must be excluded. Any wife or girlfriend, once threatened by authorities, will absolutely turn on her man for her children. And this is, after all, about the moral crime of birthing and raising white children. This is why the mafia always kept their women in the dark.
2. Their must be no organization, but a network of lone defenders.
3. Nothing may be written, in code or otherwise.
4. Nothing may ever be discussed electronically.
5. No defender may be admitted to the network unless he commits a crime against The State or one of its criminal pets. Wrecking a transformer at a national guard armory or shanking a drug dealer would be good examples.
6. Firearms use would be limited as The State is so well versed in tracing firearms crime.
7. No uniforms, colors, slogans, signs, or any indication that an action was a group action should be employed. This must be a ghost-like undertaking.
8. The focus of the defenders should be eliminating criminals, or their presence, one at a time.
9. There can be no financial facet of the group, with self-sustaining actions by defenders marking a strictly delineated danger zone for thugs—the criminals will figure out your operational zone, so there is no sense in declaring it, unless a verbal warning about a violent third party—not a threat from you, a concerned citizen just looking out for the panhandler's safety—for a minor criminal seems prudent.
10. Professional criminals, such as police, gang members, bikers, drug dealers, etc., should not be recruited. They have no souls and no honor and will, always and absolutely, betray the defenders.
11. Defenders should join church groups, and find a way to tap into the neighborhood watch facebook postings in the operational zone, using a woman for this.
12. The primary activity of defenders should be intelligence gathering.
13. Defenders should speak out against violent action and vigilante activity to anyone who would listen.
14. Verbalization to targeted criminals should be strictly banned. It is ineffective and incriminating.
Keep in mind that criminals are very easy to hit. Uniformed cops are usually idiots and they grab thugs all of the time. Stupid teenage girls manage to kill thugs by the vanload, so you can certainly break a leg and give the victim a look.
Good like finding such men. Our society is structure to preclude their development.
I intend to write a novel about such a resistance movement, titled Paleface.
For the record, this discussion was for informational purposes only, is a bad idea, and should never be attempted. I for one avoid joining any organization for any purpose. And will only act violently to defend or avenge myself or loved ones, not to defend some false notion such as community solidarity.
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guest     May 31, 2016

Even a trilogy perhaps? Bet on it, The Walking Black & Paleface!

They could be informally known as the PPP, the pale penis people!

This is a term the Z Man mockingly uses (and coined it).
guest     Jun 1, 2016

I also like how it's exactly 14 points, 14 points for 14 words.

"14 Words" is a reference to the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." according to the ADL.

What an evil and supremacist notion!
PR     Jun 1, 2016

This is a plan William Lind would approve of. It lacks a propaganda arm, though.

Are beatings of criminals enough for them to get the point, or to you have to bludgeon them with something or use a knife?

It would probably be could to keep criminals guessing as to what your operational zone was. Raids into criminal territory might be a good idea.
Sam J.     Jun 2, 2016

Drones with home made zip guns. Mortars can be made with electrical or plumbing tubes. Mortars are particularly effective as they are not line of sight. Pneumatic guns or pneumatic mortars are effective for short ranges. Here's the best type mortar.

A Spigot mortar can have a large shell with a small body. They also can be silenced. They're not used much as they're more expensive but home made would cost probably less.

Look into electro stun guns that look like cell phones. Stun then stab with a metal cased pen.

Air canes. Not toys they can blow a hole in a man. Carried in the 19th century by gentleman in cities.

Mortars are better than rockets because rockets can't be aimed for shit unless they have complicated guidance.
Mesc Franklin     Jun 6, 2016

For the record, I am totally against this and think it is a bad idea. Everyone should follow whatever the law is and never, ever do or say anything wrong or hurtful to anyone. Listen to the people on television and make sure you buy stuff and pay your taxes..thank you.
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 8, 2016

"The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club." - Tyler Durden "Fight Club" (1999)
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