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The Sword of ‘Yo-Damocles’
The Problem with Propaganda: Afterword to Paleface Sunset
© 2016 James LaFond
The question of “a propaganda arm” for Caucasian crime resistors has been suggested in response to my recent musing on how men might protect their neighborhood in a world where crime against individuals is essentially sanctioned. This is not solely an interracial phenomenon. This is primarily a question of Asians, Whites and Blacks [Latinos have this down] defending themselves against blacks, for the black underclass in America has been successfully cultivated as a violent mob, a sword of “Yo-Damocles” if you will.
Yes, whenever a black thug is stopped by a white man, the white man—law officer or not—is lynched in the media and investigated and sometimes charged by law enforcement. The “black lives matter” movement is only concerned with persecuting those who oppose the government-backed, black mob, not with the innocent blacks they routinely violate, with no media or government notice being taken.
Recently two elderly, Baltimore City, black women have been beaten, raped, tortured and robbed by young black men in their homes! The police did post these crimes. However, the media decided not to follow up on either one of these stories, declining to even report the rape that was not fatal. The woman in her 90s died. The 71-year-old woman was in such a rage she walked herself to the Channel 2 News station and reported the crime herself! The media has a vested interest in covering up such things, for they are slaves to the political class and eat from the table of State.
This brings us to the question of propaganda.
Propaganda is an emotive form of communication, guaranteed to arouse emotional personalities to action. Not clearly thinking tactical actors with strategic vision, but bullies and boisterous demagogues have ever been the target and purveyor of such propaganda. When such a man—necessarily as much woman as man—gains the social gavel, the very characteristics that make him a rouser to action, a shaper of opinion, will disqualify him for the rational execution of the duties of the leadership position his politicking shall earn for him.
For instance, right now, the media and politicians deny black-on-white crime and blame black-on-black crime on whites. The sole purposes is to persecute whites as, thus far in history, people of European descent have been the most troublesome to rule. The begging, whining and constant self-killing of blacks only seems to be troublesome if one falsely believes that The State exists to serve The People. If one understands that The State exists to exploit The People, then these criminals and greedy consumers become useful to those in actual power. For one thing, it makes those aware whites think that this condition is a matter of race, and that if only The State is strengthened by their people, things will be as they should be. This is a symptom of reactionary thinking, which is purely emotive—a mirrored misunderstanding of the nature of POWER.
For the past 30 years Left wing secularists have doggedly pursued priests and ministers for raping altar boys and other people under their power. Recently, citing the fact that The Left operates behind the Lie, numerous New Right thinkers have concluded that no altar boys were ever raped, that religious figures have been persecuted because they are an anchor of The Right. Such misunderstanding is generated by the necessary simple messages of propaganda. The fact is, that Christianity, in the Western Experience, is The Old Left, and these institutions have been under constant assault by the New Left so that their secular ideology might replace the many-candled Church that was the original communist movement in the Western Experience. All learning institutions, including secular schools and religions, are fertile ground for sex criminals interested in exploiting the young. So, when it was time to change ideological foundations on The Left, the actors knew where to look for real persecution-worthy crimes to assist in their dismantling of the Church.
Based on how the rulers of this nation have successfully played racial and ethnic groups off against each other since 1609, I see propaganda on black-on-white crime missing the point that it is government sanctioned and therefore appealing primarily to emotive types who will make regularly predictable miscalculations, and at best, continue to power the racial see-saw that keeps the invisible elite secure behind closed minds.
In terms of men acting to defend their community against the current government-sponsored violence of black thugs—and against the Islamic rape squads that will be hunting the remains of this nation in 20 years, with government sanction, as they now do in Europe—I prefer having them isolated from the production or transmittance of propaganda. Also, propaganda that goes beyond the ethos of defending your own against any and all threats, according to the most effective means available, must not be traced to an actor, lest he be successfully prosecuted. Even such ideals as simple family and neighborhood defense should only be spoken man to man, the only context in which the proper masculine actor will ever be recruited. Defenders of their community should be isolated from any words espousing the crime of defending against The Mob.
Defenders of community and family must learn from their enemies, that just as a criminal avoids conviction by employing lawyers, they should not ever speak of their commitment beyond the small circle of men they stand with and that others, with no provable connection with them, might speak on their behalf and in terms with only one objective, preserving their freedom to act, not imbuing it with a motive that may then be used to persecute and prosecute them for the ultimate crime in tomorrow’s America—defending family.
Understand that your family is the ultimate target, the thing that must be destroyed to arrive at a single social mind.
It is no accident that currently, the ethnic group that enjoys the highest level of government preference has no family structure. Currently, black urban households are either single-mother, or no parent, with a handful of two parent anomalies and a growing percentage of “no grandparent” households, in which a great grandmother or aunt or foster mother serves as a shepherd into what may well become Humanity’s longest night.
Understand that, like a zombie or vampire movie, that those who attack you have long ago been reduced to the terrible, soulless fate that they now instinctively seek to visit upon you.
Holding Out
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Australia: Shithole Today-Radioactive Tomorrow
menthol rampage
sons of arуas
advent america
when you're food
by the wine dark sea
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america the brutal
time & cosmos
Sam J.     Jun 5, 2016

"...For one thing, it makes those aware whites think that this condition is a matter of race, and that if only The State is strengthened by their people, things will be as they should be. This is a symptom of reactionary thinking, which is purely emotive—a mirrored misunderstanding of the nature of POWER..."

This is very prescient and illuminating simplicity. Note I do not say simplicity in a derogatory manner but in admiration. I fall into this category myself on race. I submit that it's not the whole story though and it's simplicity masks follow on effects. All the other vicious prey races imported keeps the minds of Whites occupied. Without them Whites would pay more attention to the deprivations of the ruling classes and check them more. Your average person can only keep track of so many deprivations at a time and if the Negros are kidnapping your children the state of the banking cartels becomes lower on your list of priorities. It is repeating what you said but the emphasis has been changed and therefore drawing different conclusions. With segregation, less immigration and less diversity conditions WOULD get better. Hence race matters.

I've grown up around Blacks all my life and gave them a benefit of doubt most of my life, dare I say I was even liberal, but at some point I finally decided that they are of no use to me at all. Any intercourse with them is just an opportunity for grief. I understand that many...most are decent enough people but the deviance level is so high among Blacks it's really Russian roulette dealing with them. I've got enough problems without them. They add nothing to my life.

One good thing about the wars for Isrаel is it's produced a great deal of White boys trained in the art of urban fighting. The reason we haven't won there has nothing to do with their fighting ability. They never had enough man power to control Iraq and Afghanistan. Not even close. They fought excellently and now they're home.

Large amounts of corruption in government was cleared up after WWII by the veterans. There were cases where the officials stole elections and were forced out by armed infantryman. There's a lot of crying about the weakness of Whites these days but I suspect if there's ever a full on race war they will harden up nicely and seriously kick ass lead by the same people the Jews screwed in the Jew wars.

Pay back is a bitch. You really ought to watch Jew Suss 1940. Put together by Joseph Goebbels it's the EXACT playbook used by the Jews for thousands of years and it's what's happening to use right now. So far the end result has always been...cry...cry...the (so called) persecution of the Jews.
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