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Australia: Shithole Today-Radioactive Tomorrow
A Guest Post by Woden Nord Warhammer
© 2016 Woden Nordhammer
Americans sometimes may dream of escaping the bullshit they live under to go to a whiter and brighter place, like Australia. Don't go. Don't even think about it. Australia is an eternal colony. Today it is seeking to whore itself to China, and it is possible that if a war between the USA and China occurred Australia would be on China's side, at least subversively. The immigration program is designed to ethno-racially displace the passive Anglo-Australians whose numbers drop each year. Australia's immigration rate per capita is the largest in the OECD, worse than the U.S. At the current rate, by around 2040, the population will double and will be largely Chinese. Earlier than that Australia will become a part of China.
Australia disarmed its population in 1996. It has race hate and thought control laws worse than Canada, California and even Britain. There is no free speech.
Example: At the moment there is a case before the Federal court where a university academic has made a complaint of racial hatred, and seeks from one plaintiff, a student, thousands of dollars. The whole suit against multiple plaintiffs is about $ 250,000. The case involves comments that the students made when the academic kicked them out of an Aboriginal only computer lab at university. One student complained that this was like apartheid, and bingo, he's in the court case.
There is no free speech on university campuses. Even by politically correct standards one organization found that about 80 percent of campuses restricted even basic free speech. That includes a computer ban on various internet sites; all right wing sites, all manosphere sites, anything on race and even all weapons sites.
The icing on the shitcake is that the elites now intend to make Australia into the nuclear waste dump of the world. Apparently they will, in the early stages, not even bother to make a high security dump, because they can't afford it. Waste will be store above ground. Only when they get some money from the dump will they start work on burial. My guess is that a nuclear accident will take this place out.
Australia is a fucken shithole. I hate this place so much that I am learning Spanish, so that I can go live in a sewer in South America, and maybe come to America as an illegal migrant!
This place is finished.
Woden Nordhammer writes under the pen name Eirik Bloodaxe. Check out his latest liberal head-offing to Hel and Her shades of the Underdark via Kindle:
Via Kindle, title Zombie Apocalypse: Barbarians, Blades and Blood in the New Dark Age.
The Sword of ‘Yo-Damocles’
the man cave
‘By Thirst and Madness and Arrows’
barbarism versus civilization
america the brutal
by the wine dark sea
the combat space
your trojan whorse
winter of a fighting life
taboo you
let the world fend for itself
PR     Jun 5, 2016

Australia has the most beautiful people I have ever seen in the world, save Russian women. Sadly, they have abandoned the religion of their ancestors as well as procreation and live mostly for beauty and pleasure. Once religion and procreation are abandoned, your civilization ends, especially without weapons to defend it. You can't even own a compound bow in Australia without a special permit even though it's been hundreds of years since the bow was considered a military weapon.

The Chinese Diaspora seems to now be spreading like a cancer to Australia, California, Thailand, and even Africa. The world may wake up one day and realize that the best place for Chinese is in China.

Australian elites, including elite wannabes in the upper middle class and managerial class, seem to love

the Chinese. I have no idea why. Perhaps it's because the Chinese are good at appearing to abase themselves to white people even while they displace them. Also, there are many rich Chinese and Anglosphere elite love money. You cannot serve God and money.
Sam J.     Jun 5, 2016

If it can be believed the Aboriginals are even more dysfunctional than Blacks.
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