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On the Ocean of Extinction
Paleface Sunset: A Guide to Cultural Resistance in the Age of Felonious Paperback – June 7, 2016 by James LaFond (Author)
© 2016 James LaFond
"Befoe da rise of Dindustan, en da conversion of Whitey’s spy satellites to da task a broadcastin’ hip hop globally—showd out to our smart fuckin' Chinese bruthas foe dat—twenty-fo, seven up in dey Mozart shit, so even dem survivaless cracka’s up in da I’llaskya got to hea—dey almose decided ta fight. Fortunately fo us dey didn’ read dis hateful shid hea.”
“I tell ya doe, I do miss dem white bitchez—oughta fine some Hindu muthafuca to make some a dem shorties in a tess tube.
-Dramaskal “Be Bangin’ Bitchez” Creed, Secretary of State, 2048
The author of this book is an apparently insane boxing coach and stick-fighter, who does not accept the truism that all that is wrong with the world is the fault of working class men of European descent, and that, instead, international bankers and the politicians who dance upon their puppet strings have targeted the myriad Caucasian Cultures and extant, pan-cultural notions of masculinity for extinction in an attempt to remove from the globalist path the one obstacle that might prevent the final evolution of the human race into a hive of mono-cropped primates.
Although the author is clearly insane and probably just needs to try a new flavor of stage one baby food to silence his anti-American musings, he is an entertaining crackpot. Therefore, the Council on Un-American Opinion has recommended this rampant screed as a means of ferreting out the traitors in your midst. Simply read aloud from this hate-filled rant, and should any who listen nod in agreement at any point, report them to the Council on Un-American Opinion at a University near you.
‘No B.S. Boxing in Print’
the author in print
Excuse Me
sons of aryаs
crag mouth
'in these goings down'
when you're food
the year the world took the z-pill
dark, distant futures
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