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'Human Rights for All'
A Harm City Poster Campaign
© 2016 James LaFond
On every light pole on White Avenue, where I live in Caucasian splendor in the Hamilton area of Baltimore, which is 50% paleface, we have seen a number of posters, one of which sits on my desk. The one I did not take down had a picture of an African American woman of recent African extraction, in tribal dress, crying.
The poster on my desk is an 8.5 by 11 laminated affair and is dominated by a large red X with paintbrush effect and reads:
Gender Based Violence is Crime
Say NO to Gender Based Violence
Human Rights for All
I suppose this now means that those black women who are punching and kicking and slapping their small boys at the grocery store are now going to be served notice?
Is little Dante-done-been-whooped-a-million-times about to hear the bugle call of the cavalry coming to rescue him from his living hell?
How about little Jacobi, my neighbor, who is three and a half years old and was named after a Baltimore Ravens football player, who was traded to another team the very next season? Is some rescue team going to tell his mamma that she can't kick him out of the house from noon to sundown while she blows niggas in the basement?
On the bus, there was a poster that was a little more clear about what gender is in need of protecting. Heading the ad is a sympathetic picture of a light-skinned black woman wearing a Maryland Judiciary visitors robe at a Maryland Court Self-Help Center and sipping coffee while she hides from her oppressor. The poster reads:
-Child support
-Debt Collection
-Domestic Violence
-Small Claims
I'm confused. From the perspective of the five-year-old black boy who has been beaten and tortured by the cruel giantess who has bought an SUV with the money supposed to feed him, while he eats ramen noodles all month long, which one of the above points is for him?
Now, Little Brutha, I'm looking at number 9, Expungement, with some concern, as it seems to suggest that your mother may be a criminal—did you know your mamma beat the shit out of some poleese?
I know, son, that the child support thing sounds like a good deal for you. But all that is is the money that your mamma makes her car payment with and uses for liquor, cigarettes and shrimp and steak for herself and her boyfriends.
Of the nine things the Maryland Judiciary Self Help Center is intended to deal with, only the domestic violence issue would seem to favor Jacobi. Yet the picture of the person intended to be served looks a whole lot like his mother wished she looked like before she got knocked up with him at that Ravens football party!
And what five year old kid drinks coffee?
Where is the grape Koolade—dude, it's a trap! Ass whoopin' at one o'clock—duck and run, bro! Hurry, they got that bitch all fired up on caffeine!
Among Her Bones
harm city
‘In Baltimore’
‘in these goings down’
orphan nation
uncle satan
dark, distant futures
under the god of things
song of the secret gardener
z-pill forever
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