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‘A Place of Solidarity’
The Truth About The Orlando Terrorist Attack by Stefan Molyneux
© 2016 James LaFond
On Sunday afternoon I watched the FBI and CNN spokespersons deny that there were any ties between the attacker and possible inspiring forces such as those he swore allegiance to. As far as I can determine from these conversations, if a U.S. Navy SEAL does not have a signed order in his pocket from the Pentagon, stating that the target he was attacking was an official U.S. target, then, that person is a lone wolf attacker with no allegiance.
Go to 17 minutes in.
Listen to that.
I love this G4S group.
The United States, or parts thereof, will, if it does not change it’s nature—its very nature—become an Islamic state before 2060.
‘Love Him or Hate Him’
modern combat
‘Don’t Be a Mean Turd’
under the god of things
the gods of boxing
book of nightmares
beasts of arуas
america the brutal
Sam J.     Jun 15, 2016

I heard some saying that Trump is just another made Man for the Isrаeli's. I didn't believe it at first but it's just getting hard to believe that our country could become so fucked up. Surely there must be someone behind such madness pushing us like sheep into the trap. The complete stupidity they're shoving at us is just beyond belief. Not that some of idiots don't actually act this way but maybe there's been a little push to activate them. Little terror here and reparation scare there. It just seems over the top. Too good to be true. We're reaching peak stupid. Maybe the zika virus doesn't only effect babies. We're infected and all our brains are running out of our ears. There is some kind of weirdness going on that I find hard to believe is just the natural run of weirdness.

By the way you know the Isrаelis and the US fund ISIS.
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