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A Man Question from Shep
© 2016 James LaFond
“James, what do you think about sap gloves or other means of augmenting punching power for self-defense? I know that police (at least in WA) are banned from using them—or carrying saps for that matter—so I doubt that they'd be primed to look for them when they're giving you the "eyeball test."
“Worth the cost as a force multiplier?
“Also, is the old cliche about a roll of coins in the fist an effective weapon, or is that just an urban legend? It seems like this would be easily "explainable" to cops and easy to get rid of in extremis.”
Shep, all of these weighted striking items will be illegal in many municipalities, particularly in cities with a history of police brutality suits and in any liberal-dominated area.
1. The sap proper, the little lead weighted cub, should never be used. A heavy length of steel pipe or hard wood will do, but a flashlight is the best. Use no type of club that has been altered. Recall that these are cop weapons used by groups against individuals designed for clinch work. That is the opposite profile of a self defense weapon. Stay away from sap clubs. I knew two white men from south Baltimore who were killed by cops with sap clubs. I also interviewed Ricky, who was a boxer who cops took down with sap clubs twice-it’s a swarming weapon. Besides, if a like Charles, who I train with the stick, hits someone with one of these things their skull is going to fly apart or turn to much and he’s toast. With well-conditioned forearms—something us old guys can maintain and usually have—a god flashlight stroke is enough to disable attackers.
2. The sap glove is more practical than the sap, but will be illegal in many municipalities. Note the eight ounce weight. One bare knuckle coach used to spar with weights in his gloves so that he could impose his form on the younger, stronger fighters. Most martial artists are surprised to discover that boxing gloves impart so much more shock to the head than the bare fist. It is the weight, of course. If you have a dog that you walk, get a pair marked as canine safety gloves and explain to the curious that the purpose of these gloves is to enable a dog handler to pry digs apart, so you will need the one with the most wrist coverage—preferably pink and limit their use to dog walking. Sap gloves that look like driving gloves could be kept in the glove compartment. Likewise a heavy sap glove could be worn in winter time. Even though they may be illegal, if you use models disguised as other types of gloves and only for specific purposes, I like you chances. You just have to make sure that this outfit does not have them labeled as sap gloves or as a weapon. If they do, shop elsewhere. If there is a disclaimer on the label don’t touch it.
3. The sap hat is an excellent idea. I always keep a hat. Not only does a hat protect the solar panel I had installed to fuel my ass-kicking machine, it is a good off-hand weapon that is truly defensive. I have used hats effectively in knife sparring—regular hats. A weighted hat—so long as it is not labeled as a weapon—is an excellent idea, and even if labeled might be described by Your Innocence as protection for your skull.
4. The best thing about the sap glove is that it permits an open hand slap with more authority, which will reduce your chances of drawing battery charge
5. A roll of coins in the hand? I have used a roll, and it works well, adding glove weight and improving hand density. Pick the roll of coin sized for your hand. George Foreman would use quarters. Women would use dimes. We normal men use pennies. Big dudes use nickels. If the coins are too big you could damage your hand. Rather than rolled coin consider keeping loose change in your front pockets. I concussed Brian Tingle with an overhand right at the door to the principal’s office in seventh grade by punching him in the mouth with a handful of pennies. Also, for survival, a handful of loose change can be thrown in the face, if it turns out you are dealing with a knifer and need to use open hand.
6. Consider carrying marbles in your pockets. I use these to strengthen my hands and they would make a cleaner fist load.
7. For summer, do not neglect the popsicle stick! It makes the fist slightly denser and delivers a mean hammer fist. I score the hammer fist in sparring on karate people all the time. It is a foul in boxing for a reason. Miss a hook, then reverse pivot action as your hand is over his shoulder, and hammer him in the ear. It was called the pivot blow by Mike Donavon and once won the American Middleweight crown.
Take care out there, Shep.
Hel Grins, Toothless in the Dark
the man cave
‘The Painted People’
night city
sons of arуas
shrouds of arуas
by the wine dark sea
let the world fend for itself
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 17, 2016

Good stuff James! FYI In a pinch there's also the old Army "field expedient" of a new bar of soap or some sand tied up in the end of a sock. Back in the bad old days this hack was offered as means of improvising a sap or blackjack for use in a prisoner snatching raid. DeSantis holsters makes a coin purse they have dubbed the "City Slicker". It's a 6 inch long faux leather pouch with a zipper on the side, a 5 inch long nylon wrist strap and a plastic waist band or pocket clip. It actually looks like it would be pretty handy if you play the slot machines a lot or otherwise have to carry lot of coins around. Then you have something to swing at the muggers that jump you when you leave the casino or laundromat. Like James says you have to keep in mind that a blow to the head with a hard object is potentially fatal. Then you got some 'splaining to do Lucy! Of course when you are being swarmed by hoodrats or barflies it is difficult if not impossible to worry about a lot of legal niceties. Also keep in mind that plenty of people are killed each and every year with a single fist punch to the head, especially a sucker punch. So unarmed attackers can be a lethal threat. The principle things to remember in regard to keeping from being indicted by the authorities for the act of defending yourself in most jurisdictions is that you want to avoid looking like the "initial aggressor" and you don't want to give the appearance that you had "a premeditation towards violence". Keep in mind that we, the good people, are supposed to want to avoid getting into fights. So that is why the powers-that-be allow criminals and lunatics to run loose to attack us willy-nilly, eh? In some places the authorities are more concerned about disarming the law abiding people than in others, but as a general rule the Leftists who control most of our criminal justice system today are much more bothered by citizens with weapons than they are about criminals preying on citizens.

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. - Matthew 10:16-20 (NIV)
Kman     Jun 17, 2016

Cheaper than Dirt sells( or used to sell)nifty sap gloves in fingerless of full fingered. I work out with mine on a heavy bag from time to time. The punch gets off a little sluggish but lands with great authority.

Shep     Jun 18, 2016

Thanks, James, Kman, JB! I believe I shall treat myself to a handy fashion accessory.
James     Jun 19, 2016

Kaman and JB are very much up on the art of the man hand.

I will look for a pair and practice on the bag and do an article some day.

thanks for the idea, Shep.
Shep     Jun 19, 2016

I guess great minds think alike—I was at a stop light today, and there was a biker-lookin' chick in the next car over. Her hands were on the wheel and she had a full array of fighting rings on each finger of both hands. She's ready for the Summer Games!
Kman     Jun 19, 2016

Addendum to my last. One of the great advantages to sap gloves, (most have fine or powdered lead shot, mine have fine steel shot) is that the material in the knuckle loading conforms over your knuckles and protects them. One could punch a brick wall nearly full force and the hand will be fine.

James     Jun 20, 2016

That makes them much better than brass knuckles.
JJ     Jun 28, 2016

this seems like a good place to put this question. I've been playing around with boxing for a while. How do you roll your fist? Aside, I have punishment, whats the trick to these commie codes to get into you tube?
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