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‘Being Black is Exhausting’
Colin is A Great Dude, But He Just Does Not Get It!
© 2016 James LaFond
“A female commenter in the bottom notices that they are acting like ‘little girls.’ Hillary and Michelle make an appearance.”
-Mescaline Franklin
The little guy who yells, “I’m a right niggar!” and also complains of being tired has a point, a point that is sorely misunderstood and not apparent to Colin:
Being black is tiring, because:
Living with violent family members is tiring.
Not having the intelligence to rationally assess a situation is tiring.
Getting kicked out of your crib by you gorilla-size mamma for crying for a water bottle while she is eating skrimps with her man is tiring.
Getting kicked out of your crib by your own bitch because she wants to eat skrimps with some other nigga is tiring!
Not having a native language, but being stuck with using a language designed for other people—people who think too much and have all kind of crazy ideas about planets and atoms and other invisible bullshit—is tiring.
Spending 25% of your income and 8 hours per month trying to make your hair look like some alien fur growing out of a polar bear’s ass is tiring!
Arguing with police is tiring. Those mofos don’t listen worth shit!
Raping black bitches—who can fight—is tiring. You try it, cracker!
Yo, Colin, you need to wake the explainative up!
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SidVic     Jun 23, 2016

Those women cops have humongous asses. WTF
James     Jun 24, 2016

The female cop with her hand on her gun as she screamed at me last Friday night also had a big ass—and I cannot lie...
SidVic     Jun 23, 2016

PS- Looks like you will break 10K unique visitors soon. Congrats. Now figure out how to make some money bozo.
James     Jun 24, 2016

Making money is not among my bozoriffic sub-routines.
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