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‘An Outpost of Civilization’
A Case for Culture and Cult when ‘Government/Media/All Right-Thinking Citizens are Against You’
© 2016 'B' & James LaFond
Below is a rebuttal of my piece Holding Out which I liked very much. B is correct in his analysis of my proposal. The fact is, without a culture, which we have been denied, most humans are not going to hold out beyond the individual level and that is not a level that most humans are comfortable with. Much of my advice is for that odd man out who is comfortable with being the outsider on the inside. Consider that the United States is directly evolved out of a mercantile model that had two purposes:
1. The destruction of native culture
2. The exploitation of the lower classes, as inferior beings that do not share the same culture as the upper classes, culture according to gross accumulation, denial of culture via impoverishment.
How could any polity evolved out of this purpose not behave in terms of hierarchal predation and cultural eradication? My article Holding Out was essentially methodology for Lost Cause resistance based on my coming of age as a loner in a cultureless society. If you think we had a Christian society in the 1960s and 70s, you are mistaken. It was nominally Christian. Now, to identify yourself as Christian is an odd form of self-limiting labeling in the face of the atheistic State. The problem with Christianity as a cross-cultural evangelical force is that when culture becomes divorced from faith, the faith is then dissolved by extra-cultural means. B is a practicing Jew, not the parttime, secularized Jews we have grown used to, which means he is a member of an intact culture, where I have never been the member of an intact culture. Also, his occupational background is special operations military, from a unit type involved with operational impact on society, where I am just an urban survivor, so his perspective is the opposite of mine on macro and micro levels and therefore offers an appropriate perspective for a counterpoint.
Glad you adapted "dindu"-it's a great term.
I disagree with the post [Holding Out]. Here's why:
The question is, how do you carve out an outpost of civilization and a functional community in the modern city environment, given that the government/media/all right-thinking citizens are against you.
You have a method that sort of worked for you in the absence of a community/support (one man is an island, sometimes,) and your reasoning is to scale that method up. You conclude that it's unworkable. This is sort of like a guy who is an expert survivalist and can knap knives out of obsidian being asked how it can be arranged for everyone to have all the knives they need. He thinks about how much time it would take to teach everyone to knap knives, how much of a pain in the ass obsidian is to find, how often a knife made of obsidian needs re-knapping, and concludes that the process is not scalable.
Well, right-to solve this problem at scale, you need very different tools, and the knives will be different. An automated knife factory making 10K knives a month looks nothing like 1000 master obsidian knife makers.
The way for whiteys to solve this problem at scale, I think, is by looking at communities which have solved it. The only two I know are Jewish neighborhoods in New York, Williamsburg and Crown Heights (Irish/Italian working class neighborhoods improvised a stopgap solution, which is failing slowly as the kids leave or become niցցerized). I will discuss in detail below.
Summary: from the 1930s onwards, the State waged war by proxy against ethnic white communities, including Jewish ones, in American cities. They would forcibly integrate blacks, who would ethnically cleanse those communities. NYC went from being a third Jewish to something like 10%. Two Jewish communities remain in areas which are full of blacks, Crown Heights and Williamsburg. Both started off mixed, with many different kinds of Jews, and are now homogeneous. Both are Hasidic, Crown Heights Jews being Chabad Hasidim and Williamsburg Jews being Satmar Hasidim. I'm better acquainted with Crown Heights, so will mostly discuss it.
Background: in the 1960s and 70s, blacks were moved into both neighborhoods. All whites fled due to crime and associated falling home values. The police refused to do their job except when it came to targeting lawabiding citizens engaging in self defence, and the city disarmed those citizens (the history is quite illuminating.)
The fight back: The rebbes (leaders) of Chabad and Satmar announced to their Hasidim (followers) that they would not be going anywhere. To the extent that they could, they bought up the houses and synagogues that those fleeing left behind. In both neighborhoods, Jews were subject to TNB (robbery, rape, murder.) They responded in two ways. First, by forming official neighborhood patrols that cooperated with police, wore uniforms, etc. Second, young men worked informally; a friend of mine tells me that when he and his friends walked down the street in Crown Heights in the 1970s and they would encounter a black teenager or two, they would beat them up with no questions asked. Additionally, Satmar in Williamsburg has something called "hopsin" (which means "get him" in Yiddish, I think): when someone is attacked/robbed, he yells "hopsin!" and everyone in earshot yells it as well and runs to grab the criminal and hold him for the police.
All this culminated in the mass looting of the New York City Blackout of 1977 and then the Crown Heights Riot, the latter encouraged by the Mayor of NYC and the New York Times, with the NYPD standing by. In the latter, the Jews fought back to some extent, hampered by the lack of guns (if they had guns, they would have defended themselves like the Koreans of the LA riots.) A bus of Satmar Hasidim with bats was sent to help by the Satmar rebbe (typically, Satmar and Chabad really disliked each other.)
For the last 20 years, things have been quiet. The blacks have calmed way down, as they realized that ethnically cleansing the Jews is not in the cards (of course, sporadic crime continues.) Hipsters have been gentrifying both neighborhoods since the mid-2000s.
Lessons learned: a community can't stick together against dindus and their sponsors/masters based on ethnicity or even religion alone. It needs to be cultish, with a single strong and charismatic leader with a vision. It also helps uniforms worn by all the members, to make identification difficult ("which one stabbed you?" "Uh, he had a beard, black pants, white shirt.") It's forbidden for Jews to turn one another over to the cops, and if you go to jail, you know the community will support your family. The weird/crazy aspect that Hasidic Jews present to the typical Irish/Italian/black cop helps mitigate law enforcement anarchotyranny. You also need to be able to vote as a block, make appropriate campaign contributions and lawyer up (and contribute to legal defense and political lobbying for members who get balled up by cops.) You need to have a large fraction of your males working in businesses in the community during the day, to hold ground, to have justification to move dindus along from in front of the business, and to have a constant reserve of members in the area. You need your own educational institutions, also in the community, not public schools where your kids will be victimized. Those of your educational institutions where teenagers and young men study provide another reserve of available manpower against packs of dindus. You really, really need a religious code that commands deep loyalty within the group and self-sufficient values (an NYT article holds no weight with Hasidim, for instance) as well as deep cynicism about outsiders and their motivations.
In short, none of this will work without a deep and crazy belief in G-d (in an everyday way, not in a Universalist overarching way) and community leadership, and structures built on the above.
James' Thoughts
Uniform dress and grooming style, if not uniforms [which can be legislated against, like the Guardian Angels being prohibited in Baltimore County] is an excellent idea and should be used by any resistance group. The Dindu raiders do it with much success: white T, black cargo shorts, bald head, sneakers.
On a practical level, holding ground through buying real estate and operating businesses is key to community resistance in a purely materialistic society. For example, when I have had to defend myself and family on property I was buying or renting the cops supported the criminal attackers. Consider that home buyers are not really owners and that even if you own your home the sidewalk is usually public property and your yard—in many municipalities—is not regarded as your home, but as a buffer you are supposed to retreat from as you grovel inside of your home while your car, bike, family pet or son are torn apart by Dindu raiders outside.
Now, as a business operator, managing a retail outlet for the owners, I was essentially a law enforcement auxiliary. I could not get away with the actions that cops did, but they backed me up as long as I minimized my use of force. A business that size anchors a neighborhood in terms of real estate taxes, operating taxes and sales taxes and is a priority concern for the State. If a homeowner leaves because of crime, the bank still has to pay the taxes and will sell it to another owner eventually. It's not good for the municipal parasitic apparatus, but not a disaster. Now, when a business closes the property owner can write it off as a loss, reducing tax income for the municipality and more importantly, eliminates sales taxes, container taxes, tobacco taxes, alcohol taxes, egg handling taxes [I shit you not], food handling taxes [licensing fees], unemployment taxes [whatever your employer pays you, a percentage gets sent to the government], matching SSI taxes and inventory taxes! Also, the merchant can make a legal case for patrolling the sidewalk in order to facilitate the safe entry and exit of patrons, where a home owner has little ground to stand on when it comes to keeping the sidewalk in front of his house safe.
Based on the manner in which breakaway Christian denominations are labeled cults by the media and the extra attention paid to any Christian cult by the American State, I think that the generation of such a community in the face of the greater society's wishes, will be difficult to pull off. I see the efforts of those trying to construct tribal identities from scratch facing Federal persecution at the point where the Dindu hordes meet resistance.
With that said, without a cultic component, there is no hope of organized community resistance. Those beliefs that are in particular weak in the face of the irrational, race-based attacks are libertarian types who have only rationality.
In retrospect, my weird life and my ability to go it alone, while enabled in large measure by my rational diplomatic ability, has, in times of crises, only been salvaged by an odd faith in my racial heritage. Two of my Uncles, my maternal grandfather, and heavy doses of 1920s-30s adventure, fantasy and science fiction novels read as a boy, as well as many imperialistic movies viewed with my father and grandfather, somehow resulted in my firmest belief, which I have taken to be my inherited identity: that it is the plight of a handful of men of European origin to have souls—where most of humanity utterly lacks a transcendental element—and that this fact translates into a savage plight, that a few white men will always find it necessary to dominate and strive against massed subhuman hordes or perish. This is why I have always been against breeding a lot of whites in a materialistic setting, as it turns our race into subhumans.
Now, this is a nutty notion, developed largely under the influence of childhood bullies and fictional literary refuge, while in contact with men who prevailed in WWII and Korea. Yet, when black men came to my house to take my son away, when black men pulled guns on me, when they rushed me in mob strength, set their pit bulls on me, hurled stones at me, it was exactly this nutty—most would say insane—notion that was the basis for my survival and in most cases, dominance.
How do we—as humans in a subhuman world—scale that up?
Cultic, culturally identified, metaphysics.
I get it.
I agree.
And I step aside to live out the remainder of my own weird life, only concerned with helping those with whom I can identify—alienated humans who find themselves on the heaving seas of subhuman insanity.
I certainly would not advise them against forming a cult, but am not equipped to help, simply inclined to wish them well.
Aside from the Arabs, of course, we [Israel] have a ton of Eritrean and Sudanese illegal immigrants. These guys walked across Egypt and got smuggled across the Sinai to get here. The government settled them in South Tel Aviv, which was a lower-class Jewish neighborhood (kind of like working class white places in Philly/Baltimore/NYC.) They've made it unlivable, with theft, assault, rape, trash, etc. Of course, the leftists are on their side-they're "refugees," you can't deport them, etc.
Here's Haaretz, our New York Times, writing about May Golan, a Jewish girl who has been attempting to organize to do something about them:
Here's Latma, a pretty funny Isrаeli satirical show, on the subject:
Political correctness has not really taken off well here, fortunately.
Derrick’s Indigo Tear
harm city
Killers Matter
shrouds of arуas
within leviathan’s craw
logic of steel
america the brutal
the fighting edge
the sunset saga complete
Dave     Jun 27, 2016


I am fascinated by your insights into the defense mechanisms of Jewish neighborhoods stateside and also the tactics adopted by your settlers in the west bank. I foresee any cultural communities that are able to coalesce here having to use strategies similar to both in order to survive. I am curious if there are any other sources of info/case studies on this subject? Do you or anyone like you maintain a blog or something?
B     Jun 27, 2016


I'm pretty sure there are some settlement blogs. I don't know any specifically.

You can probably just buy a ticket, rent a car and run around here for a month, lots of people speak English and are willing to talk.
guest     Jun 27, 2016

Your skin is your uniform, like in prison, so that's one step.
Sam J.     Jun 27, 2016

Dave,"... the tactics adopted by your settlers in the west bank..."

The settlers tactics are simple. They move into an area next to Palestinians. If the Palestinians have crops they cut them down or destroy them. When the Palestinians try to defend their livelihood they shoot them and call in the army to shoot more of them.

In rural and built up areas the Jews frequently try to settle in strategic areas. Examples are next to the only exit road to a school or medical care or the middle of a block of apartments. After the Jews have shot a lot of the Palestinians they call in the army and the army tells the Palestinians they can no longer walk on these roads as it threatens the Jews. Never mind it's not the Jews road in the first place. When the Palestinians try to go down the roads anyways they shoot their children and the Women with snipers. This is called defense.

It's far different in America. In America we have Niցցers. Niցցers move into strategic areas. Steal and attack the residents. They shoot some of the residents in the area. When the residents start to fight back the Niցցers call in the police to protect them. Eventually the Niցցers make the place so unlivable everyone has to move and the Niցցers take over..

Heh. Jews are just like Niցցers!
B     Jun 29, 2016


Yes, we ceaselessly attack the "Palestinians" and destroy all their crops while denying them medical care and water.

That's how their population increased 8-fold since 1948, and their average life expectancy went from 48 to 72 since we started occupying them.

You sound like a Black Lives Matter negro caterwauling: "why de white folks be killin us? We was kayngs in Africa!" Yeah, for values of "kings" ranging from "mud hut" to "grass shack."

"They give us da sickle cell and da high blood pressure, and they made all dem guns that be killin us wit da violence! Dey be killin black babies!"
Sam J.     Jun 30, 2016

B<,"...That's how their population increased 8-fold since 1948..."

Their population increased because the fuck a lot and want lots of children to outbreed the Jews.

You do help them at times with medical care. For publicity and propaganda and not all Jews are psychopaths as I've said many times. Some "...some, I assume, are good people...". You also shoot them and then steal their organs before you give the bodies to the families.

B,"...Yes, we ceaselessly attack the "Palestinians"..."

That's actually not true. You mostly attack them when there's some other world event so that it can be covered up better. At those times you tend to indiscriminately blast away at the Gaza strip with artillery. Like for example operation "Cast Lead".

My bitching is not like Black Lives Matter it's like Gentile Lives matter. You people have been thrown out of every single country you've ever been to in any significant numbers. What does that say about what kind of people you are? Everyone eventually hates you when you come to their country. The reason is Jews are a tribe of psychopaths and everyone eventually hates psychopaths. Not all of you are, maybe not even the majority but how many of you have demanded the psychopathic Jews stop their assault on the US and other nations? Not enough to count. If you can use propaganda to attack Whites over and over why should any Whites or any race for that matter like you or support you in any way? You're a horrible people with a society run by psychopaths with a psychopathic religion for the psychopathic Jews that follow it. Lizard people. No empathy.
Sam J.     Jul 1, 2016

I forgot to include this map.

Have a look at this and tell me all about Jew peace and love.

Kum ba yah...Kum ba yah.

Try typing in "Israeli shooting palestinian children" into Google and then go to the video section. 162,000 results. Yikes! Everywhere you guys go bodies pile up. Spain you bring in the Muslims. Takes them 400 years or so to kick them out. Russia 60 million dead. Ukraine 10 million starved to death.

I decided to end all debate about the nature of Jews with SCIENCE. So, here it goes. I will use the "evil quotient index"

evil quotient index=number of evil quotes/number of people

I typed into google "evil Jews" and got 37,400,000 results, then "evil Whites" and got 11,600,000 results.

So let's look at the all important evil quotient. This is # of evil comments / # of the race, Jew or White. So evil Jews 37,400,000 / # of Jews 13,746,100 = 2.72.

Now evil Whites 11,600,000 / # of Whites 1,200,000,000 = 0.00967.

2.72 / 0.00967 = 281.46

So the Jews are 281.46 times MORE evil than Whites. That the Jews are truly evil is now a proven fact.

It's a scientific fact that Jews are 281.46 times more evil than Whites.
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