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‘In Armed America’
The Three Prongs of AnarchoTyranny in Your Local Newspaper
© 2016 James LaFond
I spent the past two days out of town with family. Knowing that I will be deluged via TV and newspaper with mainstream mind-feed for the moral chattel of The Lie, I brought two books on dreams and shamanism, which I read, giving me an antidote and a barometer for the insanity that my blood does not know that they are immersed in.
My mother has saved me a copy of the Baltimore Sun’s editorial page from Thursday, June 23. After I looked at it she was taking it into work to show her coworkers, as a former colleague of hers had made good and was featured in her own editorial, a picture of her [a middle-aged, white professor of business] flashing a gang sign next to a thug rapper. My mother merely thought this was “cute.”
I said, “Mom, do you think she realizes that this guy has robbed white people, beat up homeless black men and probably participated in the gang-rape of a twelve-year-old black girl, in order to qualify for his social status?”
Mom winced as she flipped the blueberry pancakes, “Probably not—she’s highly educated, though.”
I read the article about investing in inner city rap music and that hip hop [which this woman is studying as practitioner of this rarified art] is an “overlooked” cultural resource.
I then looked to the other articles. One was by a young activist, who is trying to eliminate prison terms and jail time for criminals with children. [Which would equate to a reproductive pardon for every Dindu over 13] It is based on her chasing the police car within which her father rode away to his 11-year term.
The third piece was an anti-gun article, touting the disarmament of all law abiding citizens as the only way to stop the violence being committed by criminals. This man was a philosophy professor at a Baltimore Art College.
I explained to my mother what this meant, how important this single page was to anyone interested in the dissolution of morality and community in the Western World.
The philosopher preaches individual and community disarmament.
The economist preaches criminal empowerment.
The activist preaches criminal absolution.
The aggregate of their initiatives, should they gain currency, would be a free range criminal habitat, within which the disarmed citizen will be helpless and utterly dependent on government protection, seeking cover under the ever more distant umbrella of State security, which recedes by fits and starts from local, to state, to federal, to global, even as The State cultivates and imports criminal threats, which the philosopher excuses, the economist encourages and the activist forgives.
‘The Knockers’
harm city
From One War Zone to Another
the lesser angels of our nature
the gods of boxing
broken dance
america the brutal
into leviathan’s maw
the year the world took the z-pill
DL     Jun 29, 2016

A beautifully clear and terribly real analysis of what awaits us, not only outside of our front door, but now within our own homes, entering like the reaching tendrils of a vine of the social nightmare that we will be unable to awake from, no matter where we live, and much worse than anything that sci-fi writers in the past could have envisioned in their stories.
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 29, 2016

"I thought we had more time."- Stefan Molyneux

"Your skin will be your uniform." - Vox Day

Goodness! Stuff like this reinforces my belief that America will eventually split up for the simple reason that the Leftist elites (AKA The Woman or The Goodwhites) currently in control of events in the country are so implacably hostile to Christian American White people (AKA The Badwhites) that it will soon become impossible for the two groups to peacefully coexist within the same sovereign country. The Dindus, the Hispanics and the Muslim refugees are merely proxies in this low intensity civil war between the Goodwhites and the Badwhites. But that doesn't make the proxies any less dangerous or mean that they don't have their own “transformational” agendas. But once the proxies lose The Woman's protection they will become much less problematic to deal with. On the one hand it will be sad to see the USA go away, but on the other hand the PC Anarcho-Tryanny of the "Goodwhites" will eventually become so oppressive that we "Badwhites" will be glad to be out from under it, no matter what. Naturally what will trigger the break-up will be the chaos that will spring from the impending economic collapse. At this point I believe the Left has done so much damage to America that even a Trump Presidency is not likely to be able to reverse it. However, as President, Trump could do much that would serve to cushion the fall and set up whatever polity or polities survives the collapse to experience a more rapid recovery. Whereas if Hillary wins, the ensuing Dark Age will last just that much longer. The Goodwhites are inclined imagine that they themselves will be protected from the ensuing chaos largely on the power of their good intentions. However it is becoming evident even now that once the SHTF event or events go down a great many of the lower ranking Goodwhites will become collateral damage. Even now in my neck of the woods one sees that the increasingly bold and prolific Dindu carjackers are choosing to target the SWPLs in the gentrified neighborhoods over the redneck Badwhites in the working class neighborhoods for the simple reason that the rednecks are more likely to have a CCW permit and go strapped. The SWPLs can't wrap their heads around this. Apparently many SWPLs in the nearby big city were dismayed to hear this bit of police intelligence from a police captain during a periodic neighborhood crime prevention meeting. Well when the racial strife ramps up it will be as Vox Day says. One's good intentions and support for social justice won't count.

“For ’tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petard: and’t shall go hard But I will delve one yard below their mines, And blow them at the moon. Oh, ’tis most sweet When in one line two crafts directly meet.” -Hamlet Act III, Scene IV, William Shakespeare
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