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‘When the Military Boot Crushes His Bones’
The Scary Truth about Social Justice by Darwinian Thought
© 2016 James LaFond
“This interview was done in the 80s, but feels eerily prophetic. What do you think, O' Shaman of Brutality?”
“Stay frosty,”
Okay, Adam I love this guy. I hope he is still around so I can play a war game with him.
Yesterday, I was at a suburban supermarket in an upscale area and looked at the magazine rack. There was a nude spread of Kim Karjunkian, who I would be prepared to buy for about $30k, but her status as a cultural icon signals the end. In this same issue was a series of pictures of actors eating pussy, and even doing anal oral!
In a supermarket, not wrapped in plastic, not behind a locked cabinet or behind a counter?
That magazine signaled the end for me.
I think the narrator is wrong about the timeline and the Soviet goon was correct.
What do I think about this video in terms of the Cold War legacy?
Look, Adam, think of this as a knife fight. The Cold War ended with the Soviet Union disemboweled, and the U.S. emasculated. It’s that simple. Such wide ranging and deeply fought conflicts result in the death of one combatant and the maiming of the other, like the Gung Fu adage about two Tigers fighting. The Cold War was like a compressed version of the Roman-Persian war which went on for at least 200 years and resulted in Islam sweeping the ruins of each nation before it. Once again, I see Islam—a medieval globalist system—benefitting from the end of the Cold War and the mutual evisceration and emasculation of the combatants.
I don’t believe in solutions.
Time, an asteroid, a plague, things like this offer hope, which I’ve been bored with since I had a cop give my address to the two thugs who tried to kill me.
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