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From One War Zone to Another
Promised Land? By John Carlisle of the Detroit Free Press
© 2016 James LaFond
“This is akin to throwing live chickens into a pool of Alligators.”
-WellRead Ed from North Dindustan
Thank you, Ed. This is a nicely written peace with little of the demonstrable toxic bias one usually sees these days. Some of these folks have been coming to Baltimore, also. Yesterday, while at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Harford County, I noticed 3 out of four of the driver’s license and I.D. applicants were Middle Eastern, Latino, Pakistani, or Indian, many of them affluent, unlike those who come to the city.
The worst refugees that can be brought in are military aged males of Islamic extraction. The next worse is to bring in young boys without a father and then exasperate this by placing them in a city that has already been ripped apart by feuding between the sons of fatherless families. With this family we have both. Hopefully their patriarchal traditions and the oldest son—which the sponsors and writer do not regard openly as a man, which could be very damaging—will assert some influence over the household before the female American social workers ruin their character.
The mother seems lost and without hope.
The daughter might make something of her life.
The boys, they’ll learn exactly what our masters want them to learn, for good or ill.
I see one of these boys doing very well for himself. I can well imagine that the various Islamic refugees will band together to defend themselves against American Dindus and become a local force to reckon with.
‘In Armed America’
harm city
Tampons or Maxi-Pads?
logic of steel
orphan nation
the sunset saga complete
the combat space
under the god of things
barbarism versus civilization
the fighting edge
winter of a fighting life
B     Jun 29, 2016

Subsaharan Africans have an average IQ of, what, 70? Not talking about Igbo or Bambara elites, talking about mud farmers like this.

You know a place is bad when these guys move in and it gets better.

Just their very presence tells you something about the motivation of the people who arranged it; you could have taken the money it cost to get them over to freezing hellhole Detroit and set them up with basic necessities-$50K? $80K?-and bought them a mud McMansion and enough cows to set them up for life, in a place where they would not be retards among zombies. But that would not provide the visceral redemption from racism that bringing them here and setting them up with an unsustainable lifestyle does.

At least they're Muslims, not animists or something, so probably won't be eating albinos for their magic juju.

>Their toilet was a stand of nearby trees.

Knowing how to crap in the woods puts them well ahead of half of Detroit's population.

>a lifetime souvenir left after the burning end of a stick was pressed into his forehead during a traditional tribal ceremony years ago.

Charming and quaint customs!

>Abdoulaye stumbled over from his brother’s hut, tenderly gave the two kids some candy, headed into their family’s home and stabbed their pregnant mother in her back.

...and that's when the Americans knew this family was right for the US.

> Even if they don’t know how to use the washing machine at first and aren’t fluent in English, they take jobs that others won’t.

Like what, building mud huts out of cattle dung? Mexicans, who are supposedly in the US because they do jobs Americans won't do, are rocket scientists compared to these guys.

>And now look at me — I’m a caseworker.

What a great economic ponzi scheme-I mean, model. Let's bring over Bronze Age goat herders with retard-level IQs. There's hope-some of them may eventually progress enough to be entrusted with disbursing government money to the next group of goat herders.

The comments are pretty funny, too.

But what do I know? Maybe one of those boys will grow up to be an asstrophysicist. Or even a famous rapper or basketball player.
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 29, 2016

Didn't anybody warn these people what a stupid, evil, greedy and racist place America is?
WellRead Ed     Jun 29, 2016

North Dindustan has effectively been pacified through neglect. Those elements that still exist within the borders are irrelevant to the rest of the nation. Moreover, the city proper has all but ceased to exist in the eyes of the rest of the region. No one with a lick of sense wanders south of 8 Mile, lest they find themselves the target of Reparations Reclamation Agents.

Predictably, those elements that made North Dindustan uninhabitable have begun migrating across the border and transforming the suburbs into little Dindustans. Nonetheless, North Dindustan sits abandoned and ignored, seemingly to be nothing more than a cautionary tale for those places with a substantial population of oppressed minorities.

Enter the refugees.

By placing refugees within the borders, the powers that be have managed to infuse a modicum of cash into the empty Dindustani coffers, soon to be looted by the government officials, and provide the denizens within new opportunities to elevate their self-esteem by looking down upon the recent arrivals even as they rape and murder them for their meager belongings.

The unintended consequences of thrusting these people into an untenable situation will be that they will end up in one of two circumstances:

1) they will be perpetually victimized until they run, hide, or are eradicated by their oppressors.

2) {More likely} they will adapt to their new environment by employing the same tactics that they, themselves, had inflicted upon them when they were in Sudan.

Ultimately, all that the Social Justice crowd has accomplished is to provide the Dindustani Hutus with imported Tutsis to torture and slaughter.
B     Jun 30, 2016

"Who are the worst people we can bring to our country? They need to be as dumb, violent and useless as possible."

"Hmmm. Mexicans?"

"No, Mexicans are so 1990s! Plus, they're not violent enough and can use power tools, so are not completely useless. And we've discovered that no matter what we do, they just don't vote."

"Uhm, Muslims?"

"Not dumb enough, also, not useless."

"Subsaharan blacks?"

"Not violent enough."

"MUSLIM Subsaharan blacks."

"Perfect! Those stupid hicks won't know what hit them."

Later at the refugee camp:

"So, I see it says here on your resume that your skills include living in a mud hut, shitting in a tree patch and herding cows."

"Yes! I also studied 'get drunk and stab a pregnant bitch' at Dindu Dad University!"

"Oh, you're PERFECT. We're gonna send you to Detroit."

"What's Detroit?"

"It's like hell, but much colder and with lower literacy rates."

"Uh, I don't know. How much money will this cost you?"

"About $80K up front and then another $50K per year, going up 25% with each kid you have."

"How much is that?"

"About 20 mud huts and a herd of cattle per month."

"Couldn't you just give me the mud huts and cows in Sudan, and then I wouldn't have to go to Detroit?"

"No, I'm sorry, we can't do that. You can't vote from Sudan, or ethnically cleanse crackers. If it makes you feel any better, you can steal some blankets off the plane on the way over."
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