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Tampons or Maxi-Pads?
‘The Recent Riot or Incident out in Sacramento, California’: A Man Question from Chris
© 2016 James LaFond
I like your site and writing. Thanks and please keep going.
I was wondering if you could share any thoughts on the recent riot or incident out in Sacramento, California.
For instance, look at the still photo of the video at this link:
Is that guy in the tan pants wearing everything I suspect he might be wearing? Why? What is that belt thing? What could be in its pockets? What's could be in his right thigh pants pocket—looks boxy? Is he wearing some sort of fighting glove?
As for the politics, I wonder if both "sides" are loaded with government agent provocateurs.
Although obviously there is some legal aspect to all this.
But I'm wondering what thoughts you could share.
Thank you, Chris.
I think the Jews have a saying of encouragement for both combatant parties when two of their enemies go at it, which would apply here. The guy who was the backbone of the Right Wing resistance here, tried stirring up shit in my town and is associated with groups that evolved from the earlier skinhead movement that put me in its cross hairs and nearly slew my innocent cousin. On the other hand, the Leftists here were recently agitating Dindu hordes in Baltimore to attack white people, including me. So I hope both sides inflict maximum casualties, and although I am retired from boxing and stick fighting, would be willing to fight to the death [totally serious here] with bowie knives with any member of either party, should they care to lodge a challenge. That would be a video that would get me a lot of posthumous book sales!
Now let me examine the still link:
Okay. I don’t know anything about this at the point I am writing. It seems that the red beret faɡɡot, with his weight on his rear leg, has advanced in a defensive posture, trying to illicit an attack. Okay I could take out three of him with my case cutter. Seriously—he’s a non-combatant in my book. Whatever he has in his back pocket—tampons or maxipads, I can’t tell—is not for combat. The “belt thing” is a back brace, like I wear at work and if this ass would synch up the Velcro closure in front would be decent armor against small blade slashes. If fastened around the waist it can protect against a slash or rip cut, but not a good stab. He looks to be wearing plain old dress gloves, although it could be something better, like sap gloves, in either case making the stick a liability.
The grungy, bald dudes are also in a defensive posture with hands obviously pocketing knives. The big guy is either wearing fingerless gloves, okay in a fight and don’t really hinder weapon handling. They seem to be grinning to themselves, “Come here Che, so I can shank you off camera.” The stabber looks to be the smaller guy on their right. I would guess the bigger dude to his left is the door jammer. I would type both of them for carrying folding tactical knives, with the small guy more likely to put it up your ass.
The Asian chick as spokesperson is a good idea from the Lefties. If more right wing guys could lay in good dick we’d have less of these unfulfilled ϲunts to babble at us. Seriously, convert a couple of Caucasian porn stars to the cause and send them into these colleges and these bitches will revert to the slutdom they were designed for.
With the decent quality looking muscle of the skin heads I think the knives are a mistake. A choice of sticks of such length marks incapable combatants. A few wrestler-boxer types could clean out a platoon of these beret-wearing nimrods. Remember, this time last year teenage kids with rocks defeated police armed in the same fashion. Empty hand is really more effective than stick unless you are an actual stick fighter and there are less than a hundred of us in the U.S.
When reading these situations look for who has their shoulders raised and who has relaxed shoulders. By that measure the two skinheads can hit and the faɡɡot with the stick probably has a hard time jerking off with his left hand.
I will check some other sources, Chris—my emails seem full of this stuff.
Thanks for the support.
Below is a link that Mescaline Franklin sent me. Apparently Vox is covering this.
The good video has been taken down.
Look, seriously, if you had five cohesive men: two big, one smart and two dangerous, you could route armies of these kind of people without weapons from a wedge formation. I personally know five guys who knockout everybody they hit every time unless the guy they hit is a freak. All you need is two of them, two big flankers and a coordinator—that is until the opposition gets some experience. Right now it seems that the Left is limited to recruiting live action role playing nerds.
From One War Zone to Another
harm city
Dinduology #1
book of nightmares
z-pill forever
menthol rampage
honor among men
son of a lesser god
orphan nation
when you're food
Jeremy Bentham     Jun 29, 2016

FYI: Tampons and Maxi-pads actually make good makeshift wound dressings. Tampons in particular are made expressly for plugging up bloody holes after all. They're much cheaper than military wound dressings too. Nevertheless military style field dressings are indispensable since having one of those wrapped around your head is going to give you a much more macho and dignified appearance when making a statement to the TV news than a hack improvised from female hygiene products would. Image is everything after all. Therefore you DO want to keep some field dressings on hand for such occasions regardless of how tight your budget is. Besides their utility as makeshift bandages, if you have a mixed gender military or guerilla unit you should also keep a supply of tampons and sanitary pads at hand because you will find that whenever you hold a field training exercise some of your less Gung-Ho female troops will invariably accidently/ on purpose forget to bring any female hygiene supplies with them right when they are in their moon (Surprise!). Consequently they will request permission to leave the training and return to the billets to freshen up. However if you have a supply of tampons and sanitary napkins at the ready you can tell them to plug it up and drive on Xenia!

"The art of command is sixty percent preparation and forty percent improvisation." - Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall, U.S. Army Historian
Chris     Jun 29, 2016


Thanks very much. I actually saw that Vox Day post and thought of you for this type of analysis!


Paleface Jase     Jun 29, 2016

Inquiring minds want to know: how would this wedge formation work and could you write a short fiction piece on just such a formation working in say inner city Baltimore?
James     Jun 30, 2016

Will do as an article as soon as I clear this pile of book reviews.

Take care, Paleface.
Sam J.     Jun 30, 2016

James,"...if you had five cohesive men: two big, one smart and two dangerous, you could route armies of these kind of people without weapons from a wedge formation..."

There's just too many of them. I think the White Nationalist were outnumbered 5 to 1 or better. If you aren't allowed to really hurt some of them then the numbers will eventually wear you down. Hence knives. I think it's a good play as the SJW might become more wary of attacking Whites if they expect to be knifed.

Same thing happened in Iraq and Afghanistan with US troops. They can fight and have excellent equipment but they can't be everywhere. Offense they're great but they can't defend anything due to lack of troops. Same applies to the WN. They could attack but they couldn't hold the ground to protest without being ground down by opposing numbers.
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