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The Blessing of WellRead Ed
Our Correspondent from North Dindustan Muses on Behalf of Tenacious Curmudgeons
© 2016 WellRead Ed & James LaFond
Just a few thoughts while I contemplate the universe:
I'm sure you must tire of people asking, "Why do you do it? Why do you live in Baltimore?" But I get it. Living as a Lion in the jungle is gratifying. Hyenas give even old Lions a wide berth; they know that being maimed or killed because you and your posse wanted to take down an Alpha Predator is not a positive outcome. And BEING that Alpha Predator is a pleasant sensation, indeed.
Being a tool-using Primate just prolongs your Era of Lethality. Most people, even the dimmest of the Dindus, are not prepared to deal with someone that is willing and able to employ utter, remorseless, ruthlessness. Knockout Game Players cannot fathom that someone would be willing to gouge out their eye, or bite their ear off. The idea that an intended victim, especially palefaces, would be willing to drive several inches of heat-treated steel between their ribs is as foreign a concept to them as The Pythagorean Theorem.
If you study the patterns of predators, 2-legged and 4-legged have remarkably similar tactics; separate the prey from the group, cut off escape routes, attack from multiple angles simultaneously, when the prey falls, pile on and finish it. However, if the prey mounts an effective resistance, either by being faster than the pack or by making it obvious that further pursuit will be costly in energy and resources, they quickly lose interest.
Regrettably, most paleface males have become grass eaters; as defenseless against predators as cattle on The Savanna, because they have been conditioned by soft males, emasculated schools, and pop culture that stomping the ankle of an attacker that you have knocked to the ground is wrong. To even suggest a thing causes them to recoil in horror.
And you revel in that 'edge' you have over people living in more docile environs. (here, is where I venture into psycho-philosophy, completely without qualification or education in either) You, as someone who has no such compunctions, walk as a Lion among Jackals. You take no unnecessary risks, but you are aware that, as age and decrepitude take their toll, someday you might succumb to the pack, you still live in the jungle because you know that your life will not be taken cheaply, and that whatever God(s) you subscribe to will be watching whether you go out as a man or not. To die while leaving your enemies with scars, limps, the corpses of their allies, and the nagging fear that there might be more like you is, in my humble opinion, a good death.
WellRead Ed
Here’s to a good death!
Thank you, Ed.
I must admit that part of the appeal of being a relative “lion” in such a debased culture is that I can. Three hundred years ago, I’m just another dog in the pack, like the slave that started my family’s American journey. But with Dindus instead of Iroquois to battle, I can play the lion as a mangy mutt—even getting on in years. If there is a god of irony in that pantheon I’m trying to locate, maybe he’ll approve. But if Drake is looking down he’d spit at me and ask Saint Peter for a day pass so he could cut me down in a duel.
Bro, I’ll take it.
The other thing that is oh so much fun, is dealing with suburbanites. Most cops are suburbanites, by the way. The one cop I train asked me last week, “Seriously, Mister LaFond—respectfully—when you bring it in sparring, I can tell you like the dirty stuff. So, let’s say you step outside tonight, and some dude just brings it. No posing, no bullshit—in your work boots, needing to get things done. What is your go to move?”
I showed him:
“A southpaw jab, open hand to the skull if his head is ducked, or if he is upright, a spear to the eyes. I practice it about forty times a day behind a weak pivot. The entire response is based on diverting his attention to his eyes so I can shoulder check him with my palm and sweep his ankle with the boot.”
He countered, “What about your finish, how do you envision finishing a guy headed to the floor?”
“I envision it every day and every night and practice it when I shadow box alone. As soon as my man begins heading to the floor I need to now he’s not getting back up, because there will be others. When he goes timber I estimate where his hips are going to hit and then crouch leap as high as I can, landing with a double heel thrust on his pelvis or abdomen. I want to error on the abdomen if off target and not turn my ankle on a thigh. If the knives are out or it’s in my home I target the head for the leaping stomp.”
He looked at me with scrunched eyebrows, “Jesus, brother, how about when I’m not on duty! I don’t even want to see what’s left.”
So, my WellRead friend, just what I have to visualize and practice to prevail in the poor odds encounters that are most likely [if I fail in my avoidance efforts], strikes a creepy note even to the ears of experienced cops and if I didn’t like creeping people out I wouldn’t write horror.
Thriving in Bad Places
‘Enforcing Bland Language Usage’
guest authors
Being Jim for an Evening
ball of fortune
graphomaniac archive #1
the sunset saga complete
thriving in bad places
the first boxers
when you're food
Ishmael     Jul 1, 2016

James, like you, I'm long past my prime, but my idea of a fair fight today, is clubbing baby seals, whatever it takes to survive.
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 1, 2016

Actually James your plan of action sounds perfectly reasonable, even restrained, given the environment you are in. Think about it folks, if you were walking down the street in Fallujah or Ramadi or Kandahar when someone reached out from a doorway or alley, grabbed you and pulled you inside, what would you imagine that person wanted with you? How would you react? How would that differ from what happens in Harm City on a daily basis? Not a great deal that I can judge, as in either case it would be reasonable to assume the assailant laying hands on you might very well find it expedient and desirable to kill you. Even if no weapons are visible the assailant might very well have one on him. Even if no accomplices are visible some are very likely to be lurking nearby ready to assist the assailant. They are likely to be armed too. So as a practical matter in regards to ensuring one's own personal safety I don't see a great deal of difference between what goes on in places like Fallujah, Ramadi and Kandahar and what is occurring in our urban ghettoes. Except that the rules of engagement imposed on us in the ghetto are much more restrictive and thus require more scenario based training in order to ensure that you will be able to both survive the encounter AND do so in away that the civil authorities will find acceptable and not feel obliged to level charges against you on account of your actions. In such situations it is very important to able to describe and justify your every move in a way the authorities will find reasonable and likely to resonate with a jury hearing your case. James you are not unlike Robert Neville in "I Am Legend" living a precarious existence in a city full of vampires and zombies. Likewise people will read your story for years to come.
Shep     Jul 1, 2016

William Fairbairn smiles upon you from Valhalla.
Rod     Jul 2, 2016

Does well-read Fred Have a blog or web site. I really enjoyed his perspective on things .
Sam J.     Jul 2, 2016

"..."Why do you do it? Why do you live in Baltimore?" But I get it. Living as a Lion in the jungle is gratifying. Hyenas give even old Lions a wide berth; they know that being maimed or killed because you and your posse wanted to take down an Alpha Predator is not a positive outcome. And BEING that Alpha Predator is a pleasant sensation, indeed..."

Understand as I write this I hold you in great esteem and great fondness but that doesn't mean I always hold you as rational. I've asked you why you don't move and after reading this for a small time I thought,"Ok I sorta get it". After thinking for a little I've changed my mind. Because you aren't the Lion of the neighborhood. You're the monkey that the leopards catch every so often. Now it would be different if you were taking the fight to them but you aren't. You're just waiting around for them to attack. I defy you to find any military logic, Man or manual that says waiting around for people to attack you is the way to win a skirmish.

Of course your actions are very good for the White public at large. Else wise they might think that all Whites are big sissies and for that I salute you.
James     Jul 3, 2016

Thank you, Sam, for your concern and also for not pegging me as so boringly rational.

I have generally referred to myself in predation terms as an old leopard. The cops are the lions and the Dindus are the hyenas.

The monkeys are the frightened folks fleeing to the suburbs who will find that the predators can follow and will.

The primary reason why I remain in Baltimore, though, is simply to write. It's cheap to live and I get a lot of material pertinent to the subjects I write about and am lucky enough to be in a city that seems to be a cutting edge model of the despair-laced future.

I reside and write in a fortified position and go occasionally on patrol, the less so as I age.

As far as the white public at large—I generally spit upon the mass grave where their testicles are interred. Our forefathers conquered a savage planet and we can't hold a city block? As the hyenas who have me momentarily treed are found of saying, "Nigga, please!"
Lynn     Jul 3, 2016

" is the primary right of men to die and kill for the land they live in, and to punish with exceptional severity all members of their own race who have warmed their hands at the invaders' hearth." Churchill.

James is under attack as he has documented extensively. If he were to announce tomorrow that he is moving to some safer city, I would be certainly not fault him, and would be happy to know he would be safer; in the meantime, he is living by his principles and refusing to surrender and I do admire him for it.
James     Jul 4, 2016

Thanks for the quote and the well wishes, Lynn.

You know, this is an interesting thread, begun by WellRead Ed.

Sam mentioned in a post I did last Sunday that I live in a "frightening" place.

I know that when I write about it it sounds terrible.

However, numerous dimwits make their way around here and never get victimized and survive according to the predatory economics of scale. This is why the FBI uses 100K blocks of people to describe violence. many of us that read on sites like this look behind the curtain and see the rot. Honestly, half of the people in Hamilton are living their version of the Good Life, will remain blissful, and will probably not get attacked, so long as they drive everywhere. If you could see my street today you might say it looks like a nice place.

The fact is I'm just in the Ghetto edge and as long as I abide by certain common sense rules of estrangement from my fellow men I'm in very little danger.

I've become an information junky on environmental aggression. If I did not understand the underlying risks around me and wrote a pictorial scene, Hamilton could sound like Hipster paradise.

Have a happy 4th.
Wayne     Jul 3, 2016

Sam J.

I hope James slaps the taste out of your mouth if he ever comes face to face with you. Where in the military manuals and tactics does it say to do a suicide assault on the Dindu nation and the Nanny state by yourself .

If James is a monkey its the category of an Old Silver Back

Ape willing to visit extreme violence on anyone who dares to do harm to him, his family or friends.

I didn't mean to take up your fight James . Its just hard for me to wrap my head around what Sam said especially after reading your past articles on what you went through trying to protect your son's from the Dindu horde.

James     Jul 4, 2016

Nice to here from you Wayne.

I am a little embarrassed though, that the Google Earth feed actually picks up my white back hair.

Have a happy fourth, the Dinduites are keeping me awake with their ordinance.
VII     Jul 3, 2016

Wow what great writing and commentary. James I have commented before on some of your other articles I'm what you would term the redneck guy who lives south of Annapolis but worked in Baltimore all through early eighties to late nineties as a commercial roofer and contractor that saw the projects come down next to the Main post office on East Fayette anyway just wanted to say I get what you're saying and what the commenters get. I feel the same way being an older white male who feels comfortable in his environment. I am very non aggressive but always ready for those who would intend to do me or others I care about harm and respond, in other words like yourselves I take no shit nor do I give it. anyway godspeed and good health and James I would like to tell you stories of the things I've seen but not in writing if you can ever get south of Baltimore I'll buy you a beer and a crab cake, I'll pick you up in my big pick up truck ;)
James     Jul 4, 2016

Please e-mail me at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com and Mescaline Franklin and I will come pay you a visit one day. We are working out an east coast tour to interview urban survivors.

Take care.
Sam J.     Jul 3, 2016

"...I have generally referred to myself in predation terms as an old leopard. The cops are the lions and the Dindus are the hyenas.

The monkeys are the frightened folks fleeing to the suburbs who will find that the predators can follow and will..."

I bow to the Master. You're much refined, compared to my inadequate, animal/human equatation has made me see the light. Also provided much amusement.

This really stuck with me,"... I get a lot of material pertinent to the subjects I write about and am lucky enough to be in a city that seems to be a cutting edge model of the despair-laced future...".

If you're going to be an elephant hunter you got to go where elephants are.
James     Jul 4, 2016

Sam, You are a lot of fun and I hope to dazzle you with animal metaphors for my neighbors in the future.

the BT-1000 handbook is coming out next!

Have a happy inverted dependence day!
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