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The Presidential Infestation
A Man Question from Mouse on the Next American President
© 2016 James LaFond
"James, Stefan Molyneux is stumping for Trump. Are you Libertarian? Are you going to vote for Trump or Thor or what?"
I am a slave of the world's greatest plantation yet. Others might pretend that when the overseer, who represents the unseen slave master, tells me that I can have a fractional voice in the running of the plantation, that I am being given a choice. I prefer a more proactive relationship to fiction. As a prisoner of the United States, who is currently in violation of letting his slave pass expire, I can be arrested at any time for walking down the street with an expired Maryland State I.D. I count myself as a marooned observer in an insane world. It makes my friends feel better to vote, so I encourage them to do so.
The U.S. is clearly a debt-driven oligarchy. It, like every nation, always elevates the leader it deserves. My opinion, is that since the primary characteristic of the current United States of America, when compared to previous manifestations of this polity, is emasculation, then it should be ruled by a queen. I further contend that any queen worth the name is evil, must be evil if she is truly to serve the cause of keeping humans imprisoned on this single planet.
I believe that America is, psychologically and morally, a polity weakened to the point of anemia and that it deserves a queen, a queen most terrible, an autarch with the amoral ferocity to finally tear aside the curtain of nationhood and lay bare the machinery of perpetual enthrallment. I would count myself lucky, if in my lifetime, I was able to look up and see what our ancestors certainly saw with much more clarity than we, from beneath this heavily curtained stage: naked power, so beautifully corrupt as to exert an amoral gravity of such density that truth will warp like light bent around a light-extinguishing immensity.
It would be a wonder to behold Queen Cսnt's diabolic ascent to her gilded perch and we would be blessed to witness Her wrathful rule.
‘Weirdly Brutal’
the man cave
Thank You, John R.
shrouds of aryаs
songs of aryаs
into leviathan’s maw
orphan nation
the first boxers
your trojan whorse
Ronald Thomas West     Jul 4, 2016

Well said James. I encourage people to think about it from the levity of ethics; what straightens out people better than 'just deserts'? As Americans, we deserve Hillary and the many great and unmitigated evils she will surely bring down on our heads.

With the dubious advantage of a decidedly non-Christian background, I have a few (or more than a few) observations on Western Christianity's morals. The Catholic/Protestant split is only 1/2 as old as the Orthodox/Catholic split... and perhaps aside from some minor sects, the 'mystic' aspect of Orthodoxy, which sets it apart from Catholicism (and Catholicism's spin-offs), is a largely vacant space in the Western Christian culture's experience, perhaps best pointed to by James Madison:

“Experience witnesses that ecclesiastical establishments, instead of maintaining the purity and virtue of religion, have had a contrary operation. During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution”

The attempt at establishing a secular republic based on the 'enlightenment', however gone absolutely awry, was an attempt at remedy of Western Christianity's perpetual state of corruption.

Hillary is evidence of this state of Western Christian corruption prima facie; one need do little more than use google search: "Hillary Clinton, Doug Coe"

Collective punishment is a cosmic manifestation of reality (especially for those embracing a fantasy reality) and this queen, as Malcolm X one infamously said, will be "a case of the chickens coming home to roost."

Hillary will certainly bring the (most deserved) wrath of the gods upon us, up to and likely including a nuclear exchange with Russia. It doesn't get much more real than that. The days of repenting in sackcloth and ashes are long forgotten in a sociopath class killers with little better understanding of our world than a narcissist's fawning self-image -
Ishmael     Jul 5, 2016

Democracy is the theory that the common man knows what he wants, and deserves to get it good and hard. H L Mencken
Sam J.     Jul 6, 2016

Trump will crush Hillary. It's no consultation though because Trump is surrounded by the "tribe". Does this mean he's with them? I don't know. I can make a prediction though. If Trump wins and he prosecutes Bush and the Saudi's for 9-11 and doesn't mention the tribe watch out. This means we are in for a huge bloodletting like happened to the Russians. Likely much worse with most of the population done away with. Probably start with a huge false flag. Nuke, chemical, poison water something big and awful.

As for the Christian split you forgot to mention Catharism. They claimed the god of the old testament was not a god but a demon. They were of course murdered by the Jesuits down to the last Man, Women and Child. The saying,"Kill them all, the Lord will recognize His own" was invented by a the Man involved in the mass murder of the Catharist.
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