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The Greatest Pleasure a Woman Can Have
Lynn, Our Right Lady on the Left Coast, on the Qualities of a Man from His Woman’s Perspective
© 2016 Lynn
I asked Lynn for a piece on her husband, after she sent me an email on what a good man he was. The following portrait of the man she describes is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read and I have read a lot. I hope this will wake up some of you woman-hating knuckleheads out there to the possibilities that life in this compromised society yet holds—if you are man enough to hold them in your hand. When my mother reads this she will cry, because she will see her father, Fred Kern, in the portrait. Thank you, Lynn.
A good man is a good husband is a good father. A man and a woman bond, mate, and build a family.
My husband is a good man, strong physically and mentally, virile, intelligent. He is steadfast in his labors; I don't worry for one minute that he might fail in his profession. His routines each day support his fitness and duties at work, and he performs the routines without fail, rain or shine, weight training in his home built gym, showering, shaving, dressing and leaving on time. He has honed his diet through years of experimentation, drinks rarely and uses no other substances. I admire his discipline and attention to detail in his work and in the maintenance of his body.
My man is a good husband, kind and attentive to my needs, but not overly so. He desires my body no matter what else has happened during the day. He expresses his approval of my housekeeping and child rearing efforts and stays out of the details of domestic life. If I press him for his preferences, he will state them, but he trusts me to provide the dishes he likes and to run the house to his satisfaction. He shares his thoughts about the world, his concerns about work; he seeks my counsel at times, but more often my comfort. I appreciate his confidence in me, and the simple way he expresses his needs, and lets me meet them.
My mate is a good father, the head of our household. He possesses an inner peace that gives us a safe harbor in the storm. He never raises his voice or snaps in anger. He treats me with love and respect in front of our daughters and models to them a tranquil environment and caring relationship. He reads to them for hours at a time, and gives them small tasks to complete for him. Seeing his features in their faces, and their faces light up at the sound of his key in the door gives me the greatest pleasure a woman can have. My love for him grows each day just as my children do, and my love for them strengthens my love for him.
Being Jim for an Evening
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DL     Jul 9, 2016

This reminds of what could be the counterpart to the Jewish song of praise to the wife, sung on the eve of the Sabbath. Sweetly inspires longing just as the song to the wife does.
Sean     Jul 9, 2016

What a beautiful picture.
SidVic     Jul 10, 2016

Boy, i really hate her husband.
James     Jul 10, 2016

He's handsome too. I saw his picture.
mesc franklin     Jul 11, 2016

A nice standard to live up to, this is much appreciated.

And yes I am one of the women hating knuckleheads he is referring to!
Paleface Jase     Jul 12, 2016

What pray tell is this man's profession? My guess is some sort of officer of the law or other similar profession.
James     Jul 14, 2016

I am not at liberty to say.
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