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‘Trump Isn’t Your Daddy’
No One Will Ever Make America Great Again by Jack Donovan
© 2016 James LaFond
Jack Donovan has published an excellent essay on the possibilities of a Trump presidency. Below is a small segment, with what follows being just as level-headed and well thought out. I really can’t argue with a thing the author writes in this piece. Check the post via the link below.
“Trump, at best, may guide and preside over — as lucky Presidents do — a temporary upswing in the economy. He may be able to negotiate some modest changes to discourage outsourcing and encourage American production.
“This will be denounced as isolationism — an arcane and taboo form of common sense that involves leaders prioritizing the interests of the people they were charged with leading above the interests of other people.”
‘The White Minstrel’
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guest     Jul 10, 2016

To paraphrase from The Might Is Right Power Hour podcast:

The Trump Card episode to be more specific:

“Trump would be the worst president for, out of those running, for the White race, he would be like a pressure release valve for white anger, he would be able to trick the White masses, he already is, into thinking he is on their side. He would likely be able to better manage some of the federal agencies, tho White genocide agenda would be more efficient, and the beast would become stronger, or at least the weakening of the beast would be slowed, he would fool the yokels into feeling that the immigration issue, and other issues, are being sensibly dealt with.”

I also like his introductions:

"During this podcast i will fulfill my Aryаn duty to spread hate for our racial enemies, which especially includes internal enemies, yes the enemies within, the serious White race traitors. Yes i do spread, or promote, hatred. I plant seeds of hate, that hopefully will blossom into orchids of hate. If you don't hate the White genocide agenda, and our internal and external enemies, who carry out the White genocide agenda, then you are a pervert, you are dishonorable, immoral, unmanly and certainly not Aryаn, or noble. We can't defeat our enemies and fend of White genocide without hate. Let's face that, if we do not hate our enemies, and their anti White agenda, we will fail."
Sam J.     Jul 10, 2016

From the article."...I’ve even wondered if Brexit and the Trump surge aren’t placating moves, to keep white men from feeling completely disenfranchised…until it is too late..."

I really wonder about this myself. The press coverage is so bizarre it couldn't be any more inclined towards Trump.

If Trump doesn't do anything dramatic then it's over for the White Man. Probably not going to happen. I do think Trump will win but to make sure people understand I'm not one of those that delusionaly think he make everything ok.
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