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‘While the Truth is Still Tying Its Shoes’
The Truth About The Alton Sterling and Philando Castile Shootings
© 2016 James LaFond
Alton Sterling
Stefan and his team have done an excellent job of painting the picture of the violent urban actor as he continually corrects his course to make certain that he will collide with the police.
In Baltimore, DVD and CD vendors typically operate outside of markets in such bad areas that the manager or owner does not feel confident enough in the police to ask the vender to move. They often bring their own chairs. In Mister Sterling’s defense, he did try to strangle a BT-1000!
On a side note, as evidenced by Stefan’s transmogrification from libertarian to race realist, I surmise that the single largest casualty of the current Race War will be libertarianism.
Philando Castile
Okay, I’m two deep into the rum and coconut water, but, did I really just hear a news story about a dude driving with a bitch named Diamond—who was hauling some other dude’s offspring—and being pulled over by a cop named Jeronimo? Look, I’ve read too many Louis L’Amour stories to think this situation could be anything but messed up. My next question is, why is some white dude named Jeronimo—never mind.
‘In The Cotton Field’
video reviews
‘Liberty or Death’
on the overton railroad
the gods of boxing
ball of fortune
within leviathan’s craw
uncle satan
the lesser angels of our nature
honor among men
Lynn     Jul 11, 2016

You can count my libertarianism as an early casualty.
Mesc Franklin     Jul 11, 2016

Its no secret that half of the 'Alt Right' are former libertarians or

come out of the right side of anarchism. There is also a contingent that comes out of the 9/11 truth/conspiracy movement like the Red Ice people.

You can't even begin to have 'libertarianism' in a mostly 'third world plantation' country, ask the Indians (or Vox Day) about that.
Mr Ecks     Jul 14, 2016

Only a fool is against freedom.

The problem is that Liberty can't stand if you import or create (via welfare) legions of people who piss on the values that create freedom and sustain it.

Ultimately if free, civil society does not endure then all the wealth that Mr LaFond stacks in the supermarket daily will cease to exist.

And society's problems will be resolved by mass death.
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