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An Authentic Baltimore Icon on Back Alley Zumba, Dindu Academia and the Blooming Race War
© 2016 James LaFond
Rosalie is a Northeast Baltimore original, a retired math teacher and the former hostess of an authentic Italian restaurant, which closed not long ago because of Dindus robbing patrons out front. She was once a customer of mine when I was a supermarket manager. I ran into her today in front of the Fenwick Bakery in Parkville on the City side of the line. With some Baltimoreans you only need to ask them how they are doing and you get an earful, in public, as the Dindus walk by, giving her “you can’t say that” looks.
Enjoying the race war, darling. You know we live in a communist country. People think I’m crazy when I say that. But we are being made to do everything we don’t want to do and have everything done to us by the people that are above the law. I was going to get back into teaching but they don’t want white teachers anymore, not even out in the county. Everything is going black. My grandchild is only one of eleven white children in the entire school and he gets attacked by these little shits every day. My baby goes to school to learn, because it’s the law, and these turds with arms and legs swarm him like flies swarm on them. Of course the teacher looks the other way. What’s she going to do, go against her own?
You know the Bel Loc Diner is closing. It’s going to be a Starbucks. Not in time though. Last year my niece was beaten to death in the alley by niցցers, right behind the diner. I’ll die by a niցցer hand too, because I’m not backing down from these fucking animals.
Last night, in the alley behind my daughter’s house—I live with my daughter now to help with the children—we have these so-called upscale middleclass blacks, four pretty cооns with their hooped earrings and fake braids all the way down to their asses, reciting a Zumba performance in the alley. I shit you not, baby. These bitches had a fucking PA system hooked up in the alley! I was gardening because it was still light out, had my shovel. But the baby was sleeping. There is no speaking to these people. So my daughter calls the police and a cop comes. He is standing their telling her he can’t do a thing even though it’s against the noise ordinance. If they don’t want to move he can’t move them. He’s not supposed to lock anybody up, just speak to them, mediation.
Now, the entire time the cop is talking to my daughter, these whores are threatening her for calling the cops, so I flip them the finger. Then they start complaining to the cop that I flipped them the finger. He asked me if I did, so I asked the leader bitch what finger I flipped her, and she said, “The middle finger.”
I said, “Congratulations, that’s the third finger. I didn’t think you could count that high.”
So she says, “Oh, you a smart bitch, huh? Well, you a fat bitch too. You oughta be taken our Zumba.”
Oh, I knew I had her then, thought maybe she’d come across the alley at me. I said, “No, Baby Girl, I get enough exercise riding your husband’s big black cock for eight hours a day while you’re at work. It’s awful nice of you to let him stay home to take care of Old Rosalie!”
[Hysterical laughter as a bystander looks on with fear as Rosalie gestures expressively, her eyes widening, her volume climbing.]
Let me tell ya, baby, that tweety-bird bitch was ready to bring it, started across the alley swinging her braids so you could hear them slap on that hard monkey ass of hers. Well, the cop is holding her back and the other bitch is eye-balling me, so I tell her, “Come on, I’ll bury your ass with this shovel, bitch!”
She starts telling the cop, “She threaten me, officer, she threaten me!”
Of course, the cop is stupid, but he’s not a complete idiot, and did overhear me say something, so he turns to me and says, “What did I hear you say, Miss?”
I turned on the Rosalie charm, batted my eye lashes at him and said, “Oh, excuse me for interrupting, Officer Handsome, but I was just saying to my neighbor that “Burying this grass with this shovel is a bitch.”
Baby, I don’t say shit around a cop unless I have an alternate version. Those whores were fit to be tied. My daughter and girlfriend keep getting on me about back-talking the niցցers, but I like black people, so it’s pretty damned hard for me to put up with niցցers. I’m standing my ground. On my tombstone it ‘ill read, “Here lies Rosalie, killed for back-talking niցցers.”
I understand that people will have a variety of opinions on Rosalie, and she would understand as well—and tell you exactly where your opinion belongs. But what struck me the most about this story—told on a sidewalk while pedestrians gave us a wide berth—was how much it must suck to be a Baltimore City Police officer! Look, I hate pigs as much as the next irascible misanthrope, but I have to pity any cop that has to referee such altercations. After a few years of this kind of action I think I’d be primed to shoot first and ask questions later.
Note: there is no truth to the rumor that Rosalie was the inspiration for the AC-DC song “Whole Lot a Rosie.” The song was inspired by a Baltimore woman, who I also knew, but briefly, who was a stripper, not a teacher-hostess.
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Shep     Jul 12, 2016

How much it sucks to be a policeman in ANY city in modern America. This happens on every shift in every city of any size on the Left Coast, and the rules of engagement are the same. I don't know why any Caucasian would want to do that job any more.
Sam J.     Jul 14, 2016

"...Last year my niece was beaten to death in the alley by niցցers, right behind the diner..."

I feel for this lady. It made me very sad to hear this.
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