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Weakness in the Predatory World
A Review of Thriving in Bad Places by The Leveller
© 2016 James LaFond
By The Leveller
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This review is from: Thriving in Bad Places: Studies in Awareness, Avoidance and Counter-Aggression (Paperback)
This is a great manual for young men in how to conduct yourself in the increasingly predatory future that is being brought about by the collective policies and actions of Western Governments. As many young white people are finding out, they are not liked by certain groups of people and some of them will even act on this hatred. Don't believe me? Check out Colin Flaherty's youtube channel and tell me otherwise. The important thing is that this hatred, cultivated by powerful interests,is still not the final factor in violence being initiated.
The final factor is being perceived as weak, being unaware a big part of that perception. If you were a tough customer you would have already been eyeing these aspiring college students way before and employing body language that conveys you are not their prey. Weakness in the predatory world is not being Tactical.
That is the main thrust of this..Tactical is not a kind of flashlight or gear but being how a man would have been in earlier times. Being a man and masculinity is also tied into this..Visualization, vigilance, hiding your advantages, silence, deliberation, compartmentalizing your activities so they are not your primary focus. When leaving your front door and walking to the 7-11 down the block to get some beer is a risky venture, you will be sure to cultivate such qualities..the same qualities an American indian or a neanderthal in prehistoric Europe would have had.
Unfortunately there is also a much larger entity to worry about and keeping things legal is also a part of this book. For goodness sake so much could be avoided by keeping one's fool mouth shut. Not out of fear but in a tactical manner. Let women, thugs, newscasters and politicians talk. An interesting modified boxing concept ,"Anti-Fighting' is also covered..think that scene in Cinderella Man with Russell Crowe keeping a drunk Paddy Considine off him..Bro, you gotta go to work tomorrow, right?
This is a great companion to 'Waking up in Indian Country' where James illustrates many of the concepts in 'real time', dealing with post-Riot Baltimore, currently going through a Purge/Outer County Invasion. Oh you never heard of it? Of course not..
Despite my reference to 'white' young men above (currently the weakest and now most despised group who really need the advice in this book) this is useful for ANY honorable, thinking, young or not so young man who regardless of his background is in the same boat, the USS Murica..whose eventual sinking will making the Titanic look like a tipped over canoe. For the ladies this might be useful in understanding what the man in your life, who is going to have to be your protector must deal with..insights into you being an ally and better companion..not a liability or an enemy like the powers that be want you to be.
At only 150 plus pages this is not a 19th century Romantic novel like his Sunset Saga books(buy them too!)..this is the perfect size and densely packed with priceless advice.
Buy it! Do it now because you know you will need it later..
Thriving in Bad Places
‘To Deal With this Dark Future’
harm city
The Muddy Gut Hive
the lesser angels of our nature
the greatest boxer
the combat space
thriving in bad places
son of a lesser god
the year the world took the z-pill
logic of steel
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 17, 2016

"Every morning a warrior should recommit himself to death. In morning meditation, see yourself killed in various ways, such as being shredded by arrows, bullets, swords, and spears, being swept away by a tidal wave, burned by fire, struck by lightning, dying in an earthquake, falling from a great height, or succumbing to overwhelming sickness. An elder warrior said, “Once out of your front door you are surrounded by death. Once you leave your gate you are surrounded by enemies.” This saying is not merely a parable, but a way to prepare for your fate." -The Hagakure- The Book of the Samurai.

"Stay Alert, Stay Alive!" - COL David Hackworth

"Always post sentries. Always send out patrols. Always have a reserve." - Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

"1. Always know the medevac plan. 2. Always have a vehicle recovery plan. 3. Always have a plan for actions on contact with the enemy." - Ramadi Bob's Rules for going outside the wire.
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