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The Muddy Gut Hive
Dinduography #1: Leaving the Bar and Hungry in Dindustan?—Don’t Do It Son!
© 2016 James LaFond
At one in the morning, in the suburban shit cave known as Essex, Maryland, where Dindu hordes have recently migrated in overwhelming numbers, four blocks from where I off load from the #55 bus at the Aldis on the corner of Old Eastern Avenue, on a recent Saturday night, a man leaving Jad's Caddy Shack—an eatery with bar—was attacked. He may have been an employee based on the late hour.
Dinduography Timeout
Now, reader, please go to the link below and view the map.
Follow Williams Road south. Now grab the map and drag south as you cross Southeast Boulevard [I. Ext. 702] on Williams Road. There is a covered—completely encased in steel mesh—footbridge over this Interstate Extension 702. Now drag down across the highway to the warren of short arching streets. 10,000 Dindus live here—a hoodrat hive! Drag the map around to describe the line of the peninsula and you will see a veritable containment camp for Dindus, bordered by Deep Creek on the left and Muddy Gut—I shit you not!—on the right. The two vectors for crime are Back River Neck and Marlyn, which both cross Eastern Avenue and Old Eastern. That stretch of Eastern-Old Eastern is a nightmare hunting zone, with daylight home invasions and worse. The 702 extension is the route used by motorist of the upscale and red neck variety that live and recreate on Turkey Point, Holly Neck, Brown’s Creek, Rocky Point, Sue Creek and Middle River.
The Dindu drones, in order to win breeding rights with the queens, must walk across the footbridge—where they are sadly prevented from bricking paleface motorists below by the dastardly steel mesh—and hunt along Back River Neck Road and Old Eastern Avenue. The Marlyn Avenue route serves more as a drug supply conduit, with Middleborough and Hyde park the distribution hub. This is what happens when liberals decide to colonize waterfront suburbs on a peninsula; you get gauntlet predation from the [DH] Dindu hive, positioned between a [PWR] paleface, waterfront refuge and the [IMIZ] inland mixed interaction zone.
On the parking lot of Jad’s Caddyshack, this man ran straight into a semicircle of Dindus, who hit him, knocked him down, beat him and stabbed him. He is recovering well, never saw the knife, did not recognize the “unknown suspects,” who, of course Dindu Nuffin! He does not seem to have been robbed. Any place at which you eat or drink after dark is an ambush zone, as Dindu hordlings prefer well-fed prey.
Ambush Notes
Late night carry outs are prime stakeout zones, where Dindus ambush the soon to be did for the crime of wanting a club sandwich after leaving the bar. This is a far more reliable way to hit the alcohol-impaired adult on his way to his lair than at the bar. For the bars these adults exit, often have cigarette smokers as lookouts. The best thing about forcing cigarette smokers outside, in Maryland, has been that so many bar patrons are out front smoking at a given time, that Dindus no longer ambush on the lot or in front of the bar, but observe the bar traffic from afar and stakeout the eateries and gas stations where patrons will stop on their way home. Now, Jad's profiles primarily as an eatery, not a bar, with little or no smoking outside. It would be safer to take food from Jad's just before dark, and then go eat it at a bar or at home.
Get your gas before you go to the bar.
Patronize a bar that serves food, or get your carryout and take it to the bar and eat there, like we do at the mixed race sports bar in Hamilton, where everyone stopping for a sub or pizza after leaving the bar has been marked and attacked by the Dindu Hitta Youth from their observation posts, which the police permit them to maintain.
If you work at a place like Jad's, you cannot leave alone or unarmed. The most solid fact the Dindus will learn is when you leave, especially since they will have a dishwasher or line cook [after your boss or you fires them for smoking dope behind the dumpster] giving intelligence from the inside. You should have a driver or footman [I do this] waiting outside for the half hour leading up to your exit. A developing Dindu pack may be spotted from his vantage, provided he does not position himself by the door, which is stupid. He needs to stand off and then meet you at the door, staying in cell phone contact so he can warn you to stay locked down if a pack has gathered.
Ultimately, even at a location that types as mid-risk, like Jad's, proximity to large numbers of Dindus makes it dangerous. This has happened to Valentino's in my neighborhood, a popular eatery for Dindus who like high fat food, and therefore have eyes on the establishment for potential targets. The Dindu's have virtually claimed the area around Valentino's to the point where it no longer serves as a bus transfer point after dark.
The Other End of the Bus Line
Below is the Baltimore City high crime eatery location at the head of my bus trip that takes me to within four blocks of Jads. I pick up the bus a few blocks down Northern Parkway, within sight of this intersection, but will only use this stop in heavy rain or snow. Recently, since the 2015 Purge, crime at this city transfer point has gotten worse, and at the county transfer point at the Aldis, it has gotten much worse, meaning that both locations are now equally dangerous at night, with the difference being that since the Aldi's stop is a half mile from a County police station, you will never, ever see a cop there, unlike the Valentino's location, where cops patrol by in their car regularly, but have been unable to prevent the Valentino Crew from gathering in strength and dominating the corner. The pigs have, instead, opted to harass and arrest lone white males in the area, including myself a few weeks ago, when a ϲunt pig screamed at me—after a skulking Dindu called on me for committing the racist crime of making eye contact with him and standing my ground—apparently unmindful of the fact that her hand had strayed to her gun.
Weakness in the Predatory World
harm city
The Dindustan Library
barbarism versus civilization
uncle satan
taboo you
your trojan whorse
america the brutal
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 17, 2016

James, excellent stuff! I once would have said they could use you doing intel in Afghanistan, but now we need you here in the States even more.
James     Jul 17, 2016

Figuring this stuff out is nothing I set out to do, Jeremy. It wasn't until 2006, when I had to force myself to think about the security of the store I managed, that I began to put the logistics of urban aggressive together. Before that I thought on a purely tactical level.

Thanks for the compliment.
Sam J.     Jul 18, 2016

Where I live in the South there's a shit load of Black people but they tend to be concentrated and you just avoid the concentrations. They also hang in Paki and Indian stores which you avoid. Unfortunately section 8 is spreading them out. Making them harder to avoid.
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