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Breeder's Digest #2
Grilling Season Edition
© 2013 James LaFond
“...Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar, upon the wood…” [Genesis 22:9-13]
“…Burned shall he be at the fiery flame,
And his wife laden with fire wood…” [The Koran, Sura CXI]
The reason stated [circa 1600 A. D.] by one Cuban Taino Indian for burning at the stake rather than accepting Christ and going to heaven: “…because he would find more Christians there.”
Daily Neanderthal dietary ‘live-weight’ [before you cook it] meat requirement circa 70,000 B.C.: 4 pounds per person, or 16 quarter-pounders—hold everything.
The number of petroleum calories it takes to produce 1 calorie of human food through modern cultivation methods: 10 [Zeitgeist, Rupert]
The maximum number of hearts one team of Aztec priests could rip out of living human breasts in one 12 hour work day: 720.
The number of indigenous Mexicans killed by Spanish conquistadors and their diseases between 1513 and 1605: 23,025,000 out of a total of 25,000,000.
And you wonder why Mexicans are so good at cutting grass…
According to Dante Justine, Harford County Maryland landscaping contractor, the ‘man-value’ of landscapers by race, is as follows:
“Mexicans are equal to half a man.”
“White-boys are only one third of a man, and can’t fight worth shit, so are at least easy to fire.”
“Black guys are only one third of a man, and some can fight—and even those who can’t think they can—so firing them is a pain in the ass. So why in hell would I hire them?”
“Asian landscapers? You’re kidding right?”
The number of Crow Indian livers eaten by 19th Century Mountain Man Jeremiah Johnson: 247! If you were a Sioux throwing a pot-luck party who else would you invite to your 'bring-your-own-enemy-organ' cookout but good old Jeremiah? [Tannahill, Flesh and Blood, page 142]
Breeder's Digest
My Darling Donkey Boy
the sunset saga complete
crag mouth
on combat
plantation america
beasts of arуas
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