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Dinduography 101
The Mapping of Greater Absurdistan
© 2016 James LaFond
Here in the corpse of a capitalist polity now most accurately known as Absurdistan, where the great lie is so bald-faced that our ruler speaks to us of paleface on Dindu aggression even as Dindus slaughter all, it is good to have your bearings.
Absurdistan is broken into three regions:
Dindustan is any municipality or neighborhood with significant level of Dindu infestation in the following toxicity ranges:
Latent infestation:1-3%
Communicable infestation: 4-7%
Contagious infestations: 8-15%
Toxic infestation: 16-25%
Noxious infestation: 25-54%
Terminal infestation: 55-75%
Rampant infestation: 75-90%
Postmortem infestation: 91-97%
Yotopia, sometimes known as Dundidistan, is any area—such as the Northwest Community Action neighborhood in Baltimore—where Dindu population levels are at 98-100%
Whitebreadistan is any area with a less than 1% infestation of state-sponsored, sacred-race criminals.
Notable regions of Dindustan are not fixed but emerging:
East Dindustan: the D.C., Baltimore, Camden, Philadelphia corridor
Northeast Dindustan: Jersey-New York-New England
Middle Dindustan: The various shithole cities of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois
North Dindustan: Detroit, Flint and other frozen human latrines of the Great Lakes
South Dindustan: The entire slave master homeland from the Carolinas to Texas
West Dindustan: the Left Coast, where the Dindus are celebrity martyrs
The Dindustan Library
harm city
‘The Rabbit People’
time & cosmos
songs of arуas
orphan nation
on combat
solo boxing
under the god of things
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 18, 2016

Excellent James. LMAO! You know it occurs to me that despite all the much vaunted multiculturalism that has been imposed on the country during the past half century there is little to no variety in the criminal element. All of our major cities today are dominated by black and Mexican criminal organizations. We have all these new and exotic foreign restaurants in every downtown, but monotonous sameness in regards to organized crime. No Jets versus the Sharks anymore. No Irish gangs shooting it out with Italian gangs. No nativist Anglo-Saxon gangs. Not even any French gangs in New Orleans or Chinese Tongs in San Francisco. I must surmise then that whatever non-black and non-Mexican organized crime groups remain are operating very low-key and running niche rackets such as cigarette smuggling and waste disposal. Other than that you have to watch "Law & Order" or reruns of "Peter Gunn" to see any good old fashioned white hoodlums. Am I wrong on this? Am I simply not visiting the right bad neighborhoods? Perhaps the government's introduction of Muslim refugees is intended to remedy the apparent lack of criminal variety, eh? Then we'll have to learn not to eat or drink in front of the Muslim gangsters during Ramadan, as well as to go to the ATMs during the times they're all beating their faces in prayer. And whatever you do don’t complain about the muezzin’s call to prayer broadcast over the loud speakers waking you up before dawn every day!

Oh, by the way, we need a map James! I need a map of Absurdistan to post on my wall. Folks could use it to play "Risk" with to. LOL!
James     Jul 20, 2016

We will try and have the map out this winter.
Sam J.     Jul 21, 2016

Ahhh diversity.

My latest response to people saying we need diversity is this,"White people are evil. They are stealing all the diversity on the planet. Others countries can not reach the same level of diversity because of the massive efforts of White people to steal all this diversity for their White countries."

Honestly the people who value diversity can have all they want. They can move to diversity. Notice very few of these people actually live in diverse neighborhoods or send their kids to diverse schools. If we had a real, non-Jew press, we could shut them up altogether by constantly asking them why they don't live in diversity when they think so much of it. They would all look like fools. Younger people don't watch TV near as much and I think they are slowly losing their mind warp grip. Hopefully it comes before it's too late but I doubt it will.

"Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America" by Thomas W. Chittum talks about the end run of diversity. He may be right. He fought in Yugoslavia after it broke up. If there is a civil war it will be brutal.
Lynn     Jul 21, 2016

JB don't count out the Asians here in Silicon Valleystan.

State senator running guns from China:

Vietnamese gang activities:
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 22, 2016

“The wars of the People are more terrible than the wars of the Princes.”- Frederick the Great

“Don’t ask the people in Bosnia why they’re fighting, they’ll tell you!” - P.J. O’Rourke, humorist.

Thanks for the info Lynn. So the Asian gangs are alive and kicking on the Left Coast, eh? Silicon-Valleystan may stand a good chance of becoming an Asian gangster’s paradise yet. Much like Singapore was before Lee Kuan Yew turned it into a police state and cleaned the place up. Becoming a police state seems to be the only sure way of holding a multi-ethnic polity together. Although we are going the Anarcho-Tyranny route in the USA as part of the ongoing low-intensity civil war of the Leftist “Goodwhites” against the Conservative “Badwhites”, with minority criminals as Leftist proxy foot soldiers. Jon Stewart just told the “Badwhites” off: “This country isn't yours. You don't own it. It never was. There is no real America. You don't own it. You don't own patriotism. You don't own Christianity.” So yeah Sam J., I too believe America will break up like Yugoslavia did. However I don’t think it will be a bad thing, since “Goodwhites”, as exemplified by ‘ole Jon Stewart Leibowitz, have become impossible for “Badwhites” to coexist with (and I count myself among the “Badwhites”). They’re doing everything they can to harm “Badwhites”. To annoy them, to impoverish them, to disenfranchise them, to restrict their freedoms and brainwash their children against them. They keep settling hostile aliens in their midst:! ; They are implacable and simply will not leave Conservative whites in peace. Eventually it will become so intolerable for “Badwhites” that they will want a divorce from the “Goodwhites”. They will see no upside to remaining united with people who hate them so much and wish them ill. The breakup then could go relatively peacefully in places as it did in Slovenia or it could be a bloody mess like it was in Bosnia. Could a Trump Presidency change this? Yeah, there is a chance, but don’t bet your rent money on it.
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