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‘The Rabbit People’
100 White Women a Day Versus 10 Black Women a Year: Jeremy Bentham on Interracial Rape
© 2016 James LaFond
The most traumatic aspect of my first sexual experience was the fact that the woman under me, who had seemed so in control of every aspect of our interaction until docking was achieved, began squealing like a dying rabbit, a sound I had just heard days before as I pulled an arrow from the body of a still flopping bunny. I don’t know if Jeremy read that piece or not, but he really infused me with a creepy state of clarity in this following piece. Oh, in defense of the oppressed, 95% of black women who enroll in U. S. colleges, have already been raped, the survey says...
Hey James,
Speaking of Anonymous Conservative…As you have pointed out from your personal experiences James, many women, even many rabid Feminists, have the hot’s for violent men. Most of the rest of us reading your blog have observed the very same phenomenon. What these women really want sexually is clearly different from what they say they want. WHY IS THAT? This insane dichotomy has always been a head scratcher, hasn’t it? Well Anonymous Conservative offers a cogent explanation for this contradictory behavior: it is evolutionary reproductive strategy. It is hard-wired into the brains of “r/strategist” women such that it isn’t a conscious decision on their part. It is “genetic drive”. How the distant ancestors of these r/strategist women spread their own genes throughout the human gene pool: by producing offspring by rapists or seducers who went on to spread the women’s own traits by further rape and/or seduction. As it is, in many third world cultures rape is merely regarded as “physical seduction” after all. Those Western women wouldn’t be lying naked on the beach if they didn’t really "want it”, now would they?
New Rape Defense: I Wasn’t Listening, So I Never Heard Her Cries
Posted on July 16, 2016 by Anonymous Conservative
Women will need to learn that as a practical matter, with regard to rape, they can bring it on themselves now and the man will be blameless:
A woman sunbaking naked was sexually assaulted by a Kenyan migrant who attacked her as she lay on a nudist beach with a hat covering her face…
Magistrate Leanne Atkins considered a prison sentence for Kimutai but decided on 180 hours of community service work and to be subjected to an 18-month ‘Intense Supervision Order.’
…His victim, who was not identified, was sunbaking naked at the beach when Kimutai, who was also naked, approached her…
The woman moved away but Kimutai followed her into the ocean.
While swimming near her she told him to ‘go away and leave me alone’.
The woman moved back to the beach where she was sunbaking naked with a hat over her face when Kimutai indecently assaulted her…
She screamed and told her attacker to leave her alone.
Why was the sentence so light? The rape wasn’t his fault. Why you ask?
Kimutai did not listen to the woman, Magistrate Atkins said.
So he only got 180 hours of community service. Since he isn’t employed, that is 18 days of ten hours a day, and then he is right back on track for citizenship.
Feminists need to know that no doesn’t mean no anymore, if the man is not listening.
This is great for me. I never listen to women anymore. When I am around them the only sound I hear is the noise Charlie Brown hears when his teachers talk to him. All I hear is, “Waahhh Weeehhh Wooohhhh wooohhh waahhh WiiiiiHHHH wiiiihhhh Wahhhh.” I had no idea that I now have a license to act like Bill Clinton and just rape whoever I want.
Truth be told, from a game perspective, it makes perfect sense. Who listens to women? Betas and Gammas. Alphas assume that most of the shit women say is just pulling their chains. To an Alpha, a woman’s opinion is just an opportunity to playfully poke fun at her and make silly analogies in the attraction phase, and to nod yes to, in a sincere fashion while maintaining intense eye contact, in the comfort phase. Thus this legal defense is basically a way to confer rape-immunity on Alphas, while making sure every gamma and beta is still forced to beg for sex, endure the inevitable denial, and then get sent out for coffee and bagels.
Think about it. Feminists want men to be imprisoned for wolf-whistling in Britain, but they are totally silent about this case. This is legal codification of rape-immunity for alphas, acceded to by feminists through the silence of the feminist movement. No doesn’t mean no, if you are not listening.
This is because r-selected rabbit women secretly want to be raped by alphas who ignore their pleas for mercy. When that happens, their genes will be mixed with a bold rapist’s, and their rapist children will be more likely to forcefully impregnate numerous innocent women themselves, carrying their genes forward. That is called genetic drive.
This leftist judge probably views being sexed up against her will by some foreign cretin who ignores her cries as a tingle-filled fantasy, so in her opinion this case was not a real crime, the same way Roman Polanski’s rape of a twelve year old wasn’t really “rape-rape”, according to Whoopi Goldberg.
In truth, if this nude sunbather didn’t want to be raped, why did she stay, naked on the beach, when this naked migrant was chasing her around and ignoring her pleas to be left alone? What woman, naked and vulnerable, remains around a naked foreign man who is ignoring everything she says? What woman, naked and vulnerable in that situation, lays out naked, with a hat over her head so she can’t see what is going on around her? According to the Australian legal system, by her actions, she made this rape excusable.
Human r-strategist women have a deep evolutionary brain program that is designed to get them raped. Whether it is female artists going to Cologne after the rapes and walking around naked, or naked sunbathers who remain naked around aggressive men who won’t take no for an answer, they subconsciously are seeking the same thing – rapist babies.
Leftist insanity can only be understood through the prism of reproductive strategy. Logic, reason, and common sense have no role in understanding them.
Naturally posting this inconvenient truth will likely earn you a lot of backlash from the bunny rabbit people, James. Hear the shriek of the wounded rabbit! It attracts predators like nothing else will.
Stoat kills rabbit.
BBC- Stoat kills rabbit ten times its size.
Regardless of any precedent this particular case might set, keep in mind that white men are held to a higher standard of behavior by Leftists and Cuckservative white knights alike. White men are expected to be much more capable of “self-control” by the Leftist dominated criminal justice system, both at home and abroad, and thus can be expected to be punished accordingly for any sexual transgressions, real or imagined. The Leftist bigotry of lower expectations on display: (Swedish Politian: Migrant rape isn’t as bad).
Note as well that the way the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) breaks down the number of forcible rapes committed in the USA annually, a total 10 black women will be raped by white men in the USA each year, whereas 100 white women will be raped by black men each and every day. Yet the current Leftist narrative is that there is a threat of rape on college campi being perpetrated exclusively by “white frat boys”. Oh yeah?
So what you see going on around you daily guys is the war of the “bunny rabbit” people” against the “wolf” people (AKA Leftist “Goodwhites” versus Conservative “Badwhites”) . Resources are currently abundant so "rabbit” values suited for exploiting times of glut are often more attractive to the public at large than “wolf” values designed for survival in times of shortage (i.e. Leftist values versus Conservative values). The rabbit people are selfish cowards who are incompetent to lead or even survive themselves in times of scarcity. The rabbit people are self-aware enough to understand that they cannot compete against wolf people on anything resembling even terms. Thus the rabbits are using every dirty trick they can muster to disadvantage the wolves while they can. This includes employing proxies to do their fighting for them. Proxies like big government and violent outsiders that can outnumber and overpower the wolves. Much like real rabbits, the bunny rabbit people have NO loyalty to their own in-group, their herd, their warren, their “fluffle”, tribe, race, religion, ethnicity or country. As long as the “stoat” lets them live, eat grass and fuck that’s all they care about. They’ll just stand by and watch the stoat kill other rabbits. No matter how much the other rabbit shrieks they won’t make a move to help. They'll even help the stoat get other rabbits if they should imagine it will keep them on the stoat’s good side.
If you’re a “wolf" man who has been looking for a life mate and can’t seem to find a suitable one among all the “bunny rabbit” women, now you know why. But take heart, you are NOT the only “wolf” out there. Hear the pack howl!
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”
– Rudyard Kipling, “The Law of the Jungle - The Jungle Book” (1894).
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