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‘All Da Dindu Day’
Circadian Hip Hop: The Dinduological Clock
© 2016 James LaFond
What time of day do Dindus attack?
When are they most easily arrested?
First, be warned that there are various anomalies. For instance, at 8:30 this morning—essentially the middle of the Dindu night—I saw a fully dressed for autumn Dindu boy of 7 or 9 years, listlessly sitting by himself in the sweltering July heat at a public park, obviously waiting for the giantess that bred and discarded him to finish pleasing her latest paramour.
The Dindu Day
11:00 Rise Time
12:00 Pop Tart Time
1:00-3:00 Get Me Mine Time, when weed is bought, smoked, rolled or sold
3-6:00 Cracking Cracker Time, when Dindu mobs play the knockout game, targeting elderly and youth
6-9:00 Foty Time, the favorite hour for getting the second buzz of the day
9-12:00 Polar Bear Time, adult crackers are hunted as the second police shift winds down and officers are loath to make arrests which could keep them tied up after the end of the shift at Central Booking facilities.
12-2:00 Clubbin’ Time, when night spots are frequented and a third buzz is submerged in good a drunk
2-5:00 After Hours Time, when illegal basement bars open for business and vacant lots host dice games, rat fishing and gang rapes
5-6:00 Zombie Time, when werewolves and dope fiends wander about and attack anybody and cops and federal officers pick up prostitutes and have sex in parking lots and driveways.
6-8:00 Bedtime, when cops usually kick in your door.
9:00 Court Time, which really messes with your sleep, so you might want to move in with your sister’s, mother’s, baby’s daddy’s son for a while…
Keep it real, brutha, and don’t eat that paint when it begins to peal.
-A public Service by Doctor Webone Shoop, Board Certified Dinduologist and Registered Dindugraphics Engineer,
Thriving in Bad Places
‘The Rabbit People’
harm city
Making a Dindudonation
search for an american spartacus
sons of arуas
blue eyed daughter of zeus
the greatest lie ever sold
by the wine dark sea
WellRead Ed     Jul 20, 2016

Absolutely true. You can drive through Dindustan at 3am and see elementary school-age children playing in the streets. I once took my kids on a driving tour of my old neighborhood in North Dindustan and showed them where I grew up (My youngest: "Did a tornado come through here?"). When we returned to the Emerging Dindustan suburbs, I was admonished for taking my children below 8 Mile. I told them, "It was 8:30 in the morning, the Dindus were in bed. You don't need to worry about getting out of bed on time when every day is Saturday!"
Sam J.     Jul 21, 2016

WellRead ,"...(My youngest: "Did a tornado come through here?")..."

I got a big chuckle out of that.
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