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Making a Dindudonation
The Deterrence Officer is Back on Duty in Hamilton after Brazen Daylight Attack
© 2016 James LaFond
The Nigerian priest, who told his parishiners to stop bringing their purses to church to reduce the number of them who would be beaten up and knocked over by Dindu hordlings, gets the douchebag of the month award.
I went down to the ghetto grocery at 1:15 today and noticed that Hamilton was deserted.
Clementine’s upscale eatery is now out of business after a six year run.
A deterrence officer, a large, athletic, lone black cop with one of the new replacement cruisers painted in black, was standing with arms crossed outside his car, scanning for Dindus as his car idled with lights on.
More flags have gone up from storefronts and houses, as if people are signaling for help.
I asked Benjamin the hacker, who gets a good three-way vantage from his folding chair on Hamilton, what has happened to cut back pedestrian and motorist traffic even more than the current norm, which is half of the foot and motorized daylight traffic than was normal before the Race Purge of April 2015.
“You know, them young hoppers been crowdin’ the corners, staking out on both bus stops, no poleese in sight until after this shit. Yesterday I sittin’ here and see this lady down in the gutter, young hoppers dancing around her like fiends at jubilee: punching, stomping—could not tell if she were a black woman or a white, just seen the dress and the heels. She was a church secretary from Saint Dominics—the church where all the ladies been getting’ bum-rushed after service—priest led her take the collection box to the BB&T bank right there and they hit her right in front of the door. That stupid priest let the woman out the door with three thousand dollars! Is he stupid?
“I called the poleese, pizza lady call the poleese—but it’s over a hundred yards off and I’m old, hiding from them young hoppers my own self. The sad thing was, the people driving through the intersection went around, showed respect for the damned shit act like it were a funeral procession. People where driving their car around the boys dancing on her head, not a young man to step out and crack them niggas on her behalf. Not a man in sight. Well the poleese here now. I suppose them hoppers are hunting elsewhere today. We now walk every [white*] lady to her car—even if we not giving her a lift.”
"Benjamin calls black women "women" as a general rule, and white women "ladies," unless they are junkies or whores.
Benjamin is from South Carolina, came up in the 1960s, and is thinking of returning. He had cobbled his account together from what little he glimpsed and then what people from the pizza parlor had told him. So I will try and verify it.
As I walked home with my groceries I saw a Dindu scout sitting at the bus stop after the bus pulled up and left. He had his eyes on the cop and seemed to be all of 12, just observing the cop and the foot traffic. I have to hand it to these kids—they are striking late in the morning and early in the afternoon, as if they roll out of their Dindu bunks and go on a raid before breakfast. I suppose I should not be surprised. Their latest offensive does have the full support of their president. This kid struck me as a good little soldier and the beefcake cop had not a clue in the world.
The library up the street ahs had the windows replaced, and reinforced with wooden bumpers t keep the kids from kicking them in.
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