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Why Don’t You Coach Professionally?
A Man Question from Shayne
© 2016 James LaFond
That’s easy Shayne, because I hate couching! Showing people how to fight who I’d rather be beating up, is a drag, especially when my ability to beat them up is now an ever-diminishing quantity. I guess it’s like a guy sending his wife out on a date with a younger, better looking guy, not a good feeling…
I only coach people who approach me about it and who I respect. I no longer even have regular open sessions. People that want to train need to call me. My reason for coaching at all is I owe it to my coaches, who did not charge me and just asked me to pass it on.
At this point I just want to write, but there is more to keeping on than doing what I want.
Thanks for the hard questions.
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Shayne     Jul 19, 2016

I can and do appreciate your answer. I am a former Army Ranger, have a nephew who QUIT Ranger school and went Special Forces. Go figure... His brother said fuck both of you and pilots gas tanks 30,000 feet over Middle East. We all have our nitch in life and if the shoe fits...we wear it. Thanks for the answer amigo. See you in WY. Stay safe!!! We're all living in combat zones of various degrees these days. Fuck it, drive on, and never be dumb enough to pick a loosing fight when you can come back and win it.
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