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Dindu Warrior MREs
The Food Urban Martyrs Are Made Of
© 2016 James LaFond
Just like any combat athlete, the Dindu warrior goes into battle with his opponent, the body-armored "poleese," with a body rigorously conditioned through training, like banking old ladies at Saint Dominic's church, and stealing your brutha's baby's fatha's weed while he's laid up with Mamma.
But a warrior is more than his training. He literaly is what he consumes. So here you go, Yo, if yo want to sign up for White Daddy Soros' Black Lives Matter Brigade, "fuel the fuck up" on the top ten Dindu field rations:
#10: Steel reserve malt liquor
#9: Newport menthol filter kings
#8: Blunt of weed, made with Dutch Masters flavored cigars
#7: Fruit flavored soda pop, Sunny Delight orange-flavored drink or grape Kool Aid
#6: Pop Tarts
#5: Snack Cakes—Little Debbie's Sweet white ass being the preferred brand
#4: Butterfinger or Snickers candy bars
#3: Honey Nut Cheerios
#2: Steamed skrimps
#1: Ramen Noodles
This is Webone Shoop, your source for militant outfitting advice for the coming Dark Age—en I mean that shit literal.
Thriving in Bad Places
Dindu Down!
harm city
The Yo-Hell Lease Prize
song of the secret gardener
fiction anthology one
the greatest lie ever sold
blue eyed daughter of zeus
songs of arуas
within leviathan’s craw
son of a lesser god
B     Jul 21, 2016

How do they not die from lack of vitamins and protein?
WellRead Ed     Jul 21, 2016

In North Dindustan, you can add Chocolate Milk and Better Made Spicy BBQ Chips. That is the preferred breakfast of North Dindustan athletes.
Sam J.     Jul 22, 2016

"...How do they not die from lack of vitamins and protein?..."

School lunch program.
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