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The Home Invasion Equation
4yrs in jail, damages: Finnish man sentenced after defending against home invasion: An Anarcho-Tyranny Case Study
© 2016 James LaFond
The single most shocking trend in studying violence in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area is that, over the past five years, all three police departments I monitor, and the reporting media, have blatantly reclassified and misreported home invasions—which are the most heinous crime as rape, murder, abduction and torture fall under the home invasion heading with regularity—as assaults, robberies, burglaries and simple destruction of property. There can be no greater evidence that your government wants you to live in terror than this simple bookkeeping set of immoral gymnastics.
Below is a recent and most ridiculous example of this State practice from Finland. The man in question was defending his wife against three aggressive criminals armed with a gun and bats. He used a knife, did not kill any of the intruders, and has been stuck with a prison term and a fine much greater than theirs. Note that all four parties were regarded as committing a crime, and they did engage in criminal activity, for in a civilized society, only the authorized proxy aggressor—that is the police/military—may use force, period. Every time you defend yourself in the U.S. or abroad, in other communist nations, you are committing a crime. The only question is will the Court make an exception in your case and excuse your crime as justifiable?
Anarcho-Tyranny is nothing more than the full flowering of that monstrous beast, Civilization, which we so idiotically worship.
In some posts over the past year I have written some things that some readers have taken as crass bragging or as an expression of a fatalistic death wish, in regards to fighting the police. I have done neither. What I have done is simply state that I will not be that guy that get's imprisoned or jailed for defending himself. I have drastically curtailed my daily activities so as to avoid having to defend myself against Dindus and put up with the ever-present police harassment leveled at poor urban palefaces, the combination of which is maddening. Mentally, my back is already to the wall and I'm too damned old and fat to outrun prime buck, or even over-weaned whelp, Dindus. Seriously, if I defend against such a home invasion and a responding cop tells me I have the right to remain silent, he will have just predicted what the near future holds for both of us—eternal silence. My reason for stating such a thing is, in case I fail to prevent such a situation from overtaking me, that my Sons will not think I just went insane and committed suicide by cop, but that I was abiding by a principal of personal autonomy.
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WellRead Ed     Jul 21, 2016

"Cooking the books" is a common tactic in the Dindu Empire to offset negative statistics that could effect property values or hinder the completion of a major money deal. Back in the 90's, I worked in the ER of a hospital in North Dindustan; a city which has held, or been in contention for, the title of Murder Capitol ever since I can remember.

Word came through back channels that the mayor's office wanted us to declare that anyone who died in the ER had as cause of death "Cardiac Arrest" as opposed to "Gunshot Wound", "Exsanguination Secondary to Stab Wound" or "Traumatic Brain Injury Secondary to Blunt Force Trauma". Now, technically, Cardiac Arrest would be accurate in that, if you lose enough blood, or have a serious enough injury to your Central Nervous System, your heart will cease to function, which is considered an arrest. This is dishonest because the average heart continues functioning as designed as long as there is no interference with the Bio-Electrical impulses.

Ultimately, in a rare display of testicular fortitude, the Powers That Be in that institution politely told the Mayor's Office to fuck off.
PR     Jul 23, 2016

What that Russia Today article indicates is that you should just kill the criminals quietly and dispose of their bodies somewhere animals will eat them.

I agree that the cops probably ought to die for arresting the home defender.
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