This is a little off topic as it's about society. We wonder what's wrong with our society and we list all these failings of society but is there a sort of root cause? Notice how a word can sometimes lead to an advanced understanding of a situation? Sometimes the right word phrase can open up disconnected thoughts. Dindu as an example. A very, very good one is Cuckservative. Think at how this one explains and expands your thoughts about how the Republicans have treated their base.
I had a brain storm today. I submit that Communism is still alive and is destroying our society but a different kind. "Economic" Communism was all the rage for decades and decades but in the end it proved a failure but there's another kind of Communism, "Social" Communism or "Societal" Communism more exactly. These are the Black Lives Matter, SJW, the leveling that says every weird sexual fetish is normal, the people who constantly attack Men and masculinity. I've thought of a word that describes them. Socoms as in "Societal" Communist". Maybe it will catch on. Lot easier to say than SJW and very clear once you know what it's a short cut for. Economic Communism has failed but Socom hasn't yet. We may see it fail in our lifetimes though.
Thanks for this, Sam J. It reminded me of my Uncle Bernie calling his battlefield enemies the Chi-Coms.
Sam is definitely correct, this form of leftism/communism is barely even 'marxism' any more although it is trying to fulfill the same aims in an even more efficient fashion.
My controversial theory is that communism in all its forms is merely the vanguard for the supremacy of international global capitalism/high finance..two sides of the same coin like Spengler and other countrymen of his noted. It took a nation of hybrid civilized yet still barbaric people to see this..
When you see the anglo/merchant roots of our Plantation, they go hand in hand with the so called Enlightenment values that are the same source as makes sense ala Hegel that the two strains would reunite/synthesize some day..taking the worst of both materialist worlds..
To see how the 'USA' and 'Russia' have traded places in the course of 100 years is one of the bitterest red pills to swallow..
Mister Jim, that so wong! They our mos' favrit trading partner!
You ask that nice Mrs. Crinton, she tell you. Got nice bags of money, she give speech.
Nice Mao give VC stuff to shoot at Unca Bernie, blow up stuff at 4 A.M. Disturb dreams about Ann Margaret. Bad! Made hair go away, him jervous and nerky.
Unca Bernie he got grudge.
He Irish.
Socom, I rike that. Me gonna use, rots.
Uncle Bernie, relax.
Breathe deeply.
Take the blue pill—no, not the red pill, it gets you all worked up.
No, there is no yellow pill.
Don't worry, Miss Ann will be over as soon as you take the blue pill.
“One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.”
- George Orwell, “The Road to Wigan Pier” (1937)
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”
-Thomas Sowell
“To a human r-strategist however, guaranteed resource acquisition is justice and fairness. A lack of resources, by deduction, must be injustice and unfairness. – Anonymous Conservative 02/19/2016
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”
-Barack Obama, 31 October, 2008
Good point Sam J. The cancer of Communism didn't go away with the demise of the USSR, it merely went into remission. Social communism and economic communism are merely parts of the whole that is Communism. The Frankfurt School of Marxism came to the conclusion back in the early 1920’s that for communist revolution to truly take hold in the West, as it did in Russia and China, the societies in those countries would have to be changed completely first. Transformed. Marxists believe conventional beliefs, traditions and institutions “mystify” people into accepting the “unjust” economic system that is Capitalism. So the family, the Christian religion, traditional ideas about masculinity and femininity and just about everything else normal and productive must be done away with so that the people of the West will come to accept the abolition of Capitalism and push for it to be replaced by a more “just and equal” system: economic Communism. The Frankfort School named this movement “Cultural Marxism”; today we call it “political correctness”. Indeed as George Orwell observed, with few exceptions, it seems like every life-style eccentric one encounters is a supporter of Marxist socialism/communism. They seem to imagine that their particular eccentricity will be better accepted, perhaps even admired, in a socialist society. Other groups who see themselves as perpetually oppressed outsiders, including blacks and Liberal Jews, seem to be bent that way as well. Your typical faculty lounge Leftist radical, our President and his minions among them, believe that the only reason Communism failed in the old Soviet Union is because the right people weren’t managing it. Our President and his fellow travelers believe they ARE those “right people” (“We are the ones we have been waiting for.”) and that they can make it happen. Especially now that they have the wealth of the largest and richest Capitalist country in the world to redistribute. According to Anonymous Conservative whether you support Communism or Capitalism is largely dependent on which evolutionary reproductive strategy your brain is congenitally programmed for: “r” or “K”. In any event the American people were fooled into electing a communist as President, twice. A communist who continues to work diligently to destroy Capitalism, all the while “transforming” those institutions and traditions in society he believes lend support to the existence of a Capitalist economic system.
I forgot to add something to this that I meant to. They should always be referred to as "The Tyrannical Socoms". As they enforce their reign by tyranny.
Thanks for laying it out perfectly.
The Orwell quote especially. Migawd, back that far?
Yeah, they do believe that communism only failed because they weren't in charge. It's really kinder, gentler, like some new soap product. And I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, cheap!
Anyone notice who was protesting at those trials of the 6 cops?
Just look up the phrase 'cultural marxism' for this exact idea.
As a heretic I'm against communism but I'm not against all socialism. The rule where 20% get 80% of all wealth is not conducive to a stable society. Also the 20% have a bad habit of rigging the legislative process in their favor. Yes I know I'm not supposed to think this but I'm not a Libertardian.
I happened upon this Z-man article that explains how the Socoms ,(cloud people as opposed to the dirt people), are so blind that they don't even realize that they've fucking everything up. It's very informative. Especially the article he links where they attempt to describe why Trump is doing so well. They don't have a clue.