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Nadia’s Baby in Blue
Rise of the Dindu God
© 2016 James LaFond
Nadia works in an office in downtown Baltimore for a private employer. Her best friend’s brother is a Baltimore City Police officer. With her friend worried every night that her brother will end up targeted by a Dindu ambush, Nadia wished to show some support, so dressed up her infant girl in a police patrolman’s hat—the toy kind for kids, gotten at the dollar store—and posted her picture on FaceBook.
An upper-middleclass, black coworker happened upon Nadia’s FaceBook post and became greatly offended at the cute paleface infant in blue and logged a complaint with management, who informed Nadia that she was not permitted to make racist of politically volatile posts if she wished to maintain her employment!
The world is truly upside down.
I still hate cops.
Earlier this month a big Dindu called the BPD on me for the crime of standing up to his big ass when he walked up behind me and felt better of whatever he had had in mind and diverted his course away from me. Within five minutes I had a blonde, ϲunt, whore BPD cop screaming at me with her hand on her gun for the crime of being a man waiting for the bus in a Dindu Ethical Preserve.
Dindus are my lifelong enemies.
Cops are my lifelong enemies.
I wish them both success in their struggle, but hold out little hope that either side will gain the upper hand. Instead, they will fumble at each other until the fools of this nation finally take one side or the other and demand a federal police force. By then, if I’m still around I’ll be getting attacked by Dindus while I hobble along on my cane and then get tazed by federal pigs for the crime of caning the sacred martyr race of our degenerate age.
America, the latest nation to degenerate in the great cycle of sick societies, get it over with—join your children in the worship the of the Dindu God, squatting on his phallic throne, a parody of Man battling the modern parody of the lawman.
Your Trojan Horse
Little Debbie’s Big Idea
harm city
False Calls
taboo you
within leviathan’s craw
under the god of things
broken dance
orphan nation
masculine axis
the fighting edge
your trojan whorse
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