In the past week I have read two local news stories and have gathered three local accounts that confirm a trend I first notice earlier this month [July, 2016]. Dindu psychological operations specialists have bee calling Baltimore Area 911 lines and calling the cops on people, mostly on black people, claiming they have guns, bats or knives and that they are attacking people.
The first time I experienced such a thing was when Chuck, Dominick and myself were sparring at Patapsco Senior High School, on a Sunday morning, on the shot put area of the track. Two EMT douche bags pulled over and began harassing us, telling us what we were doing was unsafe and against the law and that we were pussies. We ignored them. Ten minutes later four pigs pulled up and walked out to question us. I could imagine what this scene would be like today. We'd be getting executed on our knees. The one athletic cop who was not a pussy, asked many intelligent questions and we had a nice conversation. Then my wife, who was there observing, suggested the cop try sparring with me and I almost shit.
Yes, this is a type of harassment in which manginas and other such douche bags use the robotic police to harass men they cannot deal with ona physical level. But what the Dindus is doing is brilliant.
1. Kill cops.
2. Have criminal organizations threaten to kill more cops.
3. Watch the cops bunch up so that you can attack more uncovered taregts.
4. Now call the cops and sick them on a non-criminal, diverting at least two cops and hopefully getting an innocent person shot so that they may serve as martyr food for the propaganda machine.
At this point the Dindu game is so much more sophisticated than the Pig game, one is tempted to surmise that federal operatives are advising the Dindu cadres. It is a fact that the DOJ announced their investigation of the BPD a day before local gangs threatened to kill cops, which bunched them up and enabled the Race Purge which was never reported upon and already forgotten by the few that no of it, even though it remains ongoing. The DOJ also advised the mayor to stand her cops down, which ruined their morale. I will finish Dawn in Dindustan with a litany of recent Dindu strikes on palefaces and black men.
But first we must delve into Dinduosophy.
The Wicked Witch of the Left wishes to be Queen of the Hive and requires Dindu war drones to pave her way. Yo, be a joiner and get whitey!
-Webone Shoop reporting from Harm City, Maryland
America in Chains
Yes, "SWATing", i.e. calling in false reports to the police in order to cause trouble for an enemy, is a tactic that is being employed by all varieties of malefactors, nationwide. There is no honor among thieves. If you thwart a criminal who attempts to rob or molest you he may be just as likely to call the cops on you in an attempt to get back at you as he is to seek revenge any other way. Criminals and street thugs have had plenty of experience with the police so they know how the police will react to a given situation and thus how to manipulate their reactions. They know that using "magic words" like "man with a gun" is a good way to cause the police to appear Johnny on the spot. Keep this in mind should the police ever show up unexpectedly and in a very aggressive posture at your location. You have no idea what kind of misinformation or intentional lies the authorities might have been told about you by a nervous Nellie or an enemy. If you act belligerent and indignant towards the responding officers you are liable to confirm in their minds that you are indeed a bad guy who needs to be taken down. Therefore no matter how big a bunch of fools you might personally believe the police are the situation calls for diplomacy to deescalate it. Firearms expert Mas Ayoob wrote in one of his recent articles that a lawyer of his acquaintance who possesses a CCW permit carries a gun with an unconventionally colored finish. The lawyer said he does so because he has represented many CCW clients who were falsely accused of threatening someone with a gun. His theory then is that carrying an oddly colored gun will help him quickly prove to the police who is lying and who isn't should he be falsely accused of pulling a gun on someone (He says I pulled a gun on him? Ask him what color the gun was officer). Little things like that can help you avoid spending a lot of time and money proving your innocence in court. Like you have said before James, the people who will bear false witness against you to the authorities are just as dangerous to you as the ones who assault you physically. Perhaps even more so. You are, everyone, involved in low intensity civil war, whether you want to be or not. Your skin is your uniform. The enemy is as likely to use "law-fare" to harm you as any other weapon or tactic.
Our skin is our uniform—I like that.
We have stumbled upon very interesting times.
FYI. Here is a recent case of SWATing in the news.
In this case it appears that Dr. Dre is being harassed by a celebrity stalker. The stalker took advantage of the typical police reaction to any "man with a gun" report to harass his target. As Massad Ayoob has observed, in a self-defense situation it often becomes necessary and advisable to "win the race to the phone". That's because whoever reports an incident first automatically becomes the "citizen complainant" while the other party in the dispute becomes the "criminal suspect" in the eyes of the responding police officers.