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The Theoretical Basis for the Dindu
© 2016 James LaFond
Dinduosophy is merely the study of the beliefs that Dindus hold that other peoples typically do not share. The International Association of Dinduosophy has rated each of these beliefs as untrue, true, or partially true.
1. Jews were black until they interbred with the white devils. Untrue
2. Jesus, was therefore black. Untrue
3. All peoples native to Africa are black—there being no Berbers, Cappoids, Arabs or Malaysians. Untrue
[Granted that most American whites are just as stupid as Dindus and believe this to be true also.]
4. Hanno was black, when in fact he was of Phoenician descent. Untrue
5. That the CIA targeted black communities in American Inner cities for crack addiction. True
6. That Nazi Scientists working for the U.S. government invented HIV to kill blacks. Untrue
7. That police are not trained, equipped, organized and managed to protect and serve anybody, but rather to wage a domestic war against drug addicts and drug suppliers. True
8. The police are more likely to attack black suspects than whites. Untrue.
[Look, Tyrone 4 times as many pale faces are killed by pigs every year than are blacks. In my own neighborhood, over the past five years, I have seen three arrests of blacks, and four arrests of whites. The cops began by speaking with the black guys, and then got physical after the idiots argued. With the white guys, they just physically grabbed them without saying much—just bam, getting stuffed into the back of a car with no due process.]
9. That white people hate black people, when in fact most whites worship black culture and imitate their degenerate antics at every opportunity. Untrue
10. That the only thing preventing the wholesale slaughter of Dindukind by 10% of American, paleface male kind, are the very police that Dindus hate and attack. True
[How better to keep that protection against real white boys and rednecks, who are hated by the majority sissy population of whites, then to scare the sissy whites into calling for strengthened police forces as a deterrent against the soft threat that real warriors know is the least martial race on planet earth, the only people to fail to fight their way out of their homeland for all of the ages of Man?]
11. That only black people have been enslaved in modern times, which the vast majority of paleface fools also believe, despite the fact that 2 million Russian girls are getting ass-raped in the Middle East this weekend.
As you can see, Dindus get most of the small points and historical trivia dead wrong, but are far superior to palefaces when it comes to seeing clearly the power structure currently in flux.
Long live Dindustan!
Long live the Dinduman!
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