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The Proverbial Fart in Church
Baltimore Travel Guide Rejected and Censored by Guilt Liar Elite
© 2016 James LaFond
Charles informed me that my name is mud on something called reditt, a big reposting site. Once the Harm City three-color map was reposted there John's Hopkins alumni and other liberals railed against what a racist I am, one fellow naming the Perkins Homes, a project he drove by, as a nice place, even though I have documented mob attacks by Perkins Homes youth against elderly whites in adjacent areas.
I was proud that such liberals reviled this work, as I would not want them to survive because of me and hope they get lost and run out of gas in the Red Zone some 28th day of the month...
What also excited me, is the fact that it was "buried" and then "removed by an administrator" from that site. I was worried about them going after this site. I'm happy with the number of readers we have now, and think it rather unlikely that there are more than 9,000 people in the world who deserve access to my work, so am content.
Thank you, everyone who has supported this site through reading, commenting, reposting, linking, purchasing and donating. Never, in my most gloomily rational moments or most uncharacteristic flights of optimism, did I think that so many people would be interested in what goes on in this messed-up mental space. This has encouraged me to far exceed the output I had predicted for my lifetime in only two years. In 2010 I hoped to write and publish 20 books over the remainder of my life. This year, so far, I have completed and published 36 titles and hope to wrap up eight more next month. In 2012, when I wrote the 90,000 word Thunder-Boy in a month, I thought I'd never beat that, but have—and I'll blame you people for encouraging this errant course if the guys in the suits and sunglasses ever come for me.
Thanks again.
Books by James JaFond
‘Is Baltimore Safe for Street Musicians?’
baltimore travel guide
‘The Five Block Rule’
the gods of boxing
your trojan whorse
logic of steel
crag mouth
search for an american spartacus
winter of a fighting life
advent america
marko     Jul 24, 2016

which reddit james?
Bruno Dias     Jul 24, 2016

I'm proud to be one of the 9000 people that appreciates your work. Thank you for the words of wisdom, the laughs and the fun.
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